maandag 22 juni 2020

Cooking emancipated

Good evening everyone,

I know in my previous blog I stated again that cooking is something unemancipated,
but I would like to almost take that back.

I have been taught by my dad and my two younger brothers are also good at cooking. In my family, it's not unemancipated. I love to cook as it's one off my major hobbies and I'm quite good at it. I'm proud off it and a man shouldn't be afraid not to be cooked for when he's with me. It's just that it shouldn't be something that's demanded from me. Or being taken for granted. I'm sorry, I might sound a bit harsh when it comes to that. I bulk in receipes from supermarket magazines, (I have a pile off them in my book case) I have a ton off receipe sites saved in my webbrowser and I watch just too many YouTube video's with receipes. (Which I like.)  As long as it's a hobby, I don't and I don't want to think off it as unemancipated. I don't know how to put it.

To cook fresh soup for example is like working with a cauldron. I love preparing diffrent kinds off fresh pureed soups. Zuchinni soup is one off my favourites and it's supposed to turn a bright green. It's a perfect healthy potion. But that would be more near the Harry Potter kind off witch if you are into cooking bright coloured potions, err, soups. Though it's one off the fun things off calling yourself a witch. I purchased a new cooking pot especially for soups and stews previous May or April  and it works perfect. I'm sorry. My cooking supplies and my kitchenware keep on expanding and become more and more as I can't help it. I even have an instagram dedicated to foods (Username: ladymaai) I have been on there for about four months, and I'm becomming quite popular for my usuall  amount off internet followers. I'm proud I have this potential with it, at least I'm getting known somewhere.

Aside from cooking, I also love to photograph my foods and use cute kitchenware. Like I might have said before, I have made it to a woman's magazine with it at the beginning off this year. This way, working with foods is NOT unemancipated, but rather something cool to do. 


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