zaterdag 13 juni 2020

To stay kind these days.

I heard a lot off people at my job telling they are stuck in their house. Not due to the virus, but simply due to the fact that people don't like to go out these days with others being so rude outside.

I have been onto that too, I'm someone who rather stays inside if I don't have to do something outside, or when there are no fun gatherings at 'de Boed.' (Which I like.)

I prefer the quiet and calm atmosphere in my own home if I don't have to do anything, but I need my job to stay sane. I need to feel needed and important somehow to stay mentally stable. I think I'm no exception if I tell you that I don't go out after a certain time in the evening, and that I refuse to let anyone in after 21.00 in the evening, or even answering the phone after 21.00. I'm one off many people who do so, and I think it's a good way to stay safe in a modern urban surrounding.

Still, what those people do who are a threat to safety is not acceptable. There are a lot off headlines about people (especially people who are supposed to be there for our safety, like ambulance staff or enforcement staff) being beaten over nothing all the time. This kind off news keeps people voluntairly in. 

I think it's a bit late to complain about how rough and unkind our society is these days, as that has been a thing since the late 90's.

Still I think it's a good idea to ask people not to loose their sanity and their manners these days when they go outside, or in general. It's not necessairy to loose your mind and perform violence. Especially since the world has already been at a boiling point these months. If you're f*cked up, start an excercise routine and blow off steam in the gym. I think that's a good idea for most. Or do something else more civilized to loose your anger.

Allright, that's about it for today.

Thank you for reading.

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