zaterdag 27 juni 2020

Corona has entered Zaandam

Good evening everyone,

Corona has entered Zaandam, and takes a lot from our city centre and the inhabitants that live here. 

Zaandam doesn't has a large city centre, it has just the main stores like any other city has them and there are only about two shopping streets (And a lot off buildings which make up the atmosphere, like hotels and buildings with traditional green facades to make the tourists happy.) and a very small canal in the middle off the main shopping street. People are supposed to follow the route and walk only at one side off the canal when they go either one way or another. It's strictly mentioned with signs and it's painted on the streets. Bridges are set off with police tape if you wish to sneak to the other side. Luckily, you are allowed to cross the largest bridges and take shortcuts. People are itchy and cranky these days. It's best not to attract trouble if you're out. Luckily I'm not the kind off person they pick on. 

I had to be there this afternoon for household supplies. I decided not to make it a long visit and just buy what I needed and then be gone home. (Though I took some time to have a frappé and an oreo cheesecake at a restaurant at the start off my shopping trip. Everyone needs a coffee break every now and then to get fresh air.) I haven't been at the city centre for a long time. Most off the time when I'm at 'de Boed.' or at home, I don't have time to go shopping. Usually, I order products off most kinds online since I live here in Zaandijk, a distance away from most shops in the centre. To see it like this had quite an impact on me.

I heard there has been a medicine invented against Corona. I hope things will get better from now on. And life hopefully will be back to normal again. If just for how people act and come off. At least if I have caught up on it from my shopping trip, I won't die off it.

Allright, that's it for today,

I hope you enjoyed reading.


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