zondag 21 juni 2020

It depends on where you are, and who you ask.

Paganism isn´t attached to western rules off nature. It´s more large and complicated than that, if you wish to see it on a broad scale and wish to follow the rules off nature correctly.

The largest excisting pagan religion is Hinduism, though I would not follow their vieuw on women. And this religion has the largest amount off gods and godesses.

Solistices like ours can only be celebrated in Europe. In other continents solistices and seasons work diffrent. In Australia, winter and summer are the other way around. I believe if you´re a pagan in Australia, you shouldn´t keep on working with European standards, but make the religion compatitable for your own continent.

In south Asia, there is just a wet season and a dry season. I believe things won´t work out with our vieuw on seasons either. But it´s also known they have thought that out thousands off years before our culture came to excist.

In Africa, the moon is seen as a bowl instead off a sickle.

In the light off our modern world, with seasons changing and becomming diffrent than how our ancestors knew them, isn´t it a good idea to take a diffrent look at it and wonder if we should change the entire concept the way it is and make it fit our modern world? 

I think it´s a good thing to keep this in mind. What am I pointing out with this? Well, I think I would like to bring it to the point where western pagans shouldn´t see themselves as the centre off the universe, and the ancient religion the western european way as absolute.

Actually, I feel more like learning about Buddhism and incorporate wisdom from that philosophy (It doesn´t see itself as a religion.) To keep a down to earth state off mind and prevent myself from the idea off knowing everything. They have about a thousand sacred writings (It´s too much to read all off that, but it´s a developping wisdom which is still willing to improve itself and take on even more wisdom. I like that.) and live life thankfully, positive minded, wise and with an open mind.

 Allright, these are my vieuws on religion for this morning,

I hope you like to read it, despite it being brought to you on an early morning.

Thank you for reading!


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