zondag 15 januari 2023

Good afternoon at the 15th off January, 2023.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today is windy and cold in the Netherlands, and this morning there was a hailstorm. As far as it goes, the sky seems to be cleared by now and there's only clouds blowing over. It's still cold, though. 


This morning was for preparing semolina pudding. I don't know yet if it will come entirely out off it's mold. That will be a suprise when I decide to try it. All I can say is that I used a luxurious mold for it, and the suprise will be even bigger when it turns out to be good. Combined with the berry sauce, the old folks off de Boed will probably love it tomorrow evening, after our sober dish. 

It's ment to provide some comfort for Blue Monday. Blue Monday is the third monday after the holidays, and it's supposed to be the most depressing monday in a year. This year I decided to try to fight the monday blues with a comfort dessert. I usually try to make the best out off the wintermonths. To fight my own winter depression, and to help mainly myself cope with the cold and boring first months off the year. I need fun plans to stand it. I love lending people a hand with good foods, but my 'fight the winter.' plan is mainly for myself. 

In the Netherlands, winter means rain, grey skies and depressing weather for two to three months mainly. If I wouldn't be on extra vitamin D, I would be as depressed as a doorknob during those months, and they're just terrible on their own. So I'm trying to make something good out off them, despite the crisis and the weather. 

Sometimes we just have to stand and withstand circumstances, sometimes (Especially in our modern times) we can soften them and make something fun out off them, despite it all. I won't say you can set every hailstorm to your own hand, it's often best to stay in and let those pass. But in general, winter doesn't has to be depressing and boring if you make something out off it. 

My usuall idea off that contains wearing nice pinks and other pastels, this year preferrably in sweaters, and baking nice stuff so I can cheer myself and those around me up a little. Being inside my home and enjoying it and having coffee or tea with myself also works. Good coffee in weekends cheers me up. I happen to have a favourite cookie to side it these days. Today I'm wearing beige, but I had coffee and I did an attempt in making pudding for tomorrow. It made my morning. 

I polished my nails a dark green and tonight will be for dying my hair. The last time I dyed was in November, so my locks can use some nice hairdye. It's going to be a natural, cool blonde shade. But better than what I have now so I look more polished with that in my hair. I'm trying to grow my hair this year, so I'm not going to let it cut untill easter. I'm planning to see the hairdresser short before easter, and then just let her cut off dead ends and fresh up the front off my hair. I would love to have long, full hair again and wear it like it's a crown. It looks good on me, usually. So that's going to be the plan for next year. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

P.S, a picture off the inside off the marble cake will follow.      

Edit: I forgot my camera during coffee time, but the inside was pretty good and they loved it. Sometimes that's what cake can be about. I'm sorry folks, next time better with pictures!  

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