maandag 9 januari 2023

Good evening at the 9th off January, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was cloudy with here and there a rainshower, with sometimes that excagerating spring vibe weather breaking through. It's been a pretty bad day, though. The grey was more. 


Today was less off a jay day than yesterday. It's been the average grocery shopping on a Monday-day. Not much sunshine breaking through, and it was cold and mostly cranky. Sometimes we can't change a thing about circumstances, and we just have to let them blow over us. It doesn't last forever, and also boring days come to an end. 

Off all the days in the week, Mondays are my least favourite. Not because off weekend blues, but mainly because they're boring and because off the hasty grocery shopping that takes place under surveillance off caretakers. It's something mandatory every week. But we just can't go without since Zaandijk has no shops closeby, so we are driven to a supermarket each week by a grocery van. One positive thing is that I haven't spend much today on groceries, while still getting what I need. In fact, I restored my payment account with what I saved from the Saturday trip. Despite everything, it was still a stupid day with dutyfull work and just being at de Boed's coffee moments. You hear me complaining about such a luxury in a far off village, I know, but there was a time when supermarkets where closeby and I could go there whenever I pleased without caretakers being on my back and a van with a driver putting such a stigma on me each week. Still I can't go without. 

It felt less harsh due to my weekend trip, though. Usually life goes by boring every day, and Mondays are even worse. But today it felt almost like I could take on it, and that's what a good weekend is supposed to be about. 

Still I sit here all buzzed, I really have to restore from this energy-draining day. 

I wish I knew what kind off soups or desserts they serve on board off cruise ships. Last year I had fun imagining myself on board off a cruise ship with my luxurious chicken soup and my tourist-like outfit. I didn't go much further than that for a holiday last year, but what would be served on board at the Holland-America line? If I can prepare something similair, I can daydream again and it was fun. They can't take that daydream from me. Short before Christmas, I prepared luxurious paprika soup, better than the Fletcher hotel and worthit an empty pot when I did so. I can't go on a holiday and I can't just go to a hotel and wine and dine there. Muscles are served at a luxurious cruise, but they won't serve them here. It's usually old fashioned Dutch kitchen, or something that's not too high maitainance they serve here. I bet on a cruise ship, people can choose from a large dessert buffet, and a good soup is just part off a luxurious lunch or dinner buffet either. I can't take on it like that. That's just impossible for plain old me at this shabby place. 

This week I will have lunch tomorrow at a restaurant in the dunes. Johanna's hof. After that I will take a walk through the dunes with a caretaker. It's a reward for to have excercised well with them the previous months, going with them on walks and swimming each week, like a good girl should. I behaved well according to them, and I will be rewarded for it like that. So, it's not completely true I have no luxury at all this week. I have to pay for that lunch myself, though. Luckily I can do so with money mom gave me. Life is good these weeks. No-Spend-Month is going nowhere, but sometimes it's needed to spoil ourselves a bit. The foresight off tomorrow cheers me up a bit from today. 

I heard on the news today Spain is the most populair holiday destination for people so far. Maybe I can make a Spanish baking this summer, so we can also get into that vibe. I know one thing for sure: Most off us won't make it to Spain this year. But I can put the taste off Spain on a pastry plate for us this year. 

Some '80's pop I'd like to share with you this evening: 

Just heard it on the radio and I love the groove it has. I love '80's pop. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


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