zondag 1 januari 2023

Good evening at the 1st off January, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

It's cold, rainy and windy, though it's not overly cold. I turned the central heather a bit lower today. 


Today was the first day off my two No-Spend-Months. It went quite well. I haven't spend money today. I just had a cup off coffee this morning and I was inside all day. 

Just fresh coffee and some quiet me-time this morning. I didn't even have the radio on, cause it almost caused me a headache so I wanted the surrounding to be quiet. I didn't even eat the Christmas wreath cookies I found on my shelves. They're still in their package. (Though I had a pack off Buggles.) And I have been looking up the point saving programe at a website where you can safe for Nordic Ware on a discount. But I already own the two items they have on that site. So not much to safe for there. 

I heard the name to a good song on the radio during the Radio event off the year, the Top 2000 at the end off the year where they broadcast a lot off good music at the end off the year, and I have been looking it up on YouTube and enjoy it. The White Stripes with Seven Nations Army. 

 I just love it, and I love the lyrics. I have heard it before, but never knew the name to it. I love this kind off music and Rock classics in general. It's the best idea from Dutch radio to make a wonderfull programe at the end off the year playing this kind off music in a list where people can vote on it. And I learn a few names to songs from it, so it's also usefull. 

That's the day: Coffee, not spending money, alone time and The White Stripes at this first day off the year. 

I had a wish for last year: To publish 200 weblogs and I almost nailed it. It where 198 weblogs last year, so I'm short on two. Just damn it, almost... That will teach me to publish so little during autumn. But I just couldn't find the heart or the inspiration to write. Or my broken ankle was just in the way. 

2022 was an awfull year, I just hope 2023 will be much better. There's a promise in the air for it. It looks good astrologically seen for the first months to half off the year, so it's hopefully going to get a bit better for me and the world. The fireworks yesterday where just beautifull. I have really been enjoying them from behind my window. I live on the first floor off a small appartment building. I had a perfect sight over the houses last night. And before that de Boed had a quiz with great apple beignets (They came from a bakery and they where just so good) where I won the second prize. De Boed made quite something off last evening. After that I wanted some alone time with the radio on untill after midnight. It was a good evening and I have been really enjoying it. 

It's a bit off a bugger that the holidays and autumn are over. And we have to deal with winter for almost three good months. It's the perfect time to safe a little money in my opinion. I just hope the next year will be a good one. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading. 

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