zondag 8 januari 2023

Good evening at the 8th off January, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was cloudy and grey, but with here and there shy sunny interfalls. Sun breaking through the clouds and lighting this mild winter day. 


Yesterday, I threw No-Spend-Month out off the window and went visiting the city off Alkmaar, my favourite city in Noord-Holland. Really, Zaanstad can't tip it. I went there by train early in the morning, and had coffee in a cafetaria, purchased the dessert bible in a bookshop, among a postcard for my cousin, and then went over the market, passing a cooking supply shop, (And purchasing pink cupcake papers with ladybugs on it.) and then went back, purchasing some nice buns from a bakery for breakfast for the next morning. I didn't make it a long visit but it was good to be back in The old city where I spend most off my time when I was at school, a long time ago. I miss Alkmaar. I hadn't been visiting for a while, and going there gave me such positive energy, and the dessert bible is just love at first read. I can draw a lot off inspiration from it, for a Sunday dessert for de Boed every now and then. I could do this because my mom gave me money some time ago. Otherwise it would have been entirely impossible. I love visiting old romantic cities and have coffee with a pastry there, scooping around looking for fun items. I couldn't help myself. I haven't kept to No-Spend-Month, but I needed an escape from here yesterday. Just something to get over with the daily boredness and gloom. 

I traded the boredness for spring vibes, early as it is. It's only winter, but I feel them bubbling in my heart and I feel joyous, and full off life and wishing to enjoy life. Despite the crisis, the war, and the trouble ahead to us. I have been sending my cousin the postcard, and my mom a card with a squirel on it today. I found a few postcards on a shelve, and some poststamps I forgot about. (I love sending postcards to people.)  The rest off the time, I'm trying to be sober again and spend little money, despite those spring vibes in early winter. Today I gave air to it by wearing a white and pink sweater, bright and lovely as it is. Instead off simple clothes, but keeping the rest off my clothes quite simple. And it's just love I feel for what I could do with those ladybug cupcake papers. The cooking shop was just one big dream for a hobbycook. All sorts off bundt molds, (Also a lot off Nordic Ware) lines and lines off tart pans, machinery and equipment for cooking, kitchenware to make your table extra chique and romantic, it was just perfect. Just like the bookshop. I had some money on hand, but I couldn't shop 'till I drop, so I picked the items I purchased mindfully, as far as that goes. I love markets, so I took a walk over the Saturday market, looking for buns for breakfast, but there was no bakery stand. Probably off for holiday vacation, but what is a market without a bakery stand? So I purchased breakfast at a bakery. Not bad either. 

It was a perfect day, and there is so much greatness in the dessert bible. I just love it. Just like the forecasts, the beginning off this year seems very positive to me. It's a period off spring vibes, good purchases and fun things to do, instead off piling yourself up inside. Much better than previous year. I know we should be weary, I know it's a crisis and a war, but I just wanted to go out and have fun. Which I barely do. Do things that make your heart beat faster- That's my advice for this year. I listned to it. 

And now I'm trying to go back to sobriety, Springvibes can also come cheap. 😉  

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.   

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