zaterdag 21 januari 2023

Good afternoon at the 21st off January, 2023.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today is cold and foggy and grey-clouded. Trees are still empty and it's January at it's best. 


Yesterday winter depression hit me. I feel so sad and mournfull and depressed. Somehow it started when taking a look at easter cookies, and ordering supplies for my batches off easter cookies this year. Ahead to that I was in a January mood. Fog, old fashionedness, winter depression, rain and grey clouds- people dying all the time and falling incredibly sick, And a massive crisis where western Europe has become poor. And children starving before they get to school each morning. It's so cruel. (I was thinking to myself sarcastically: 'Isn't it romantic?' I relate to the crisis by thinking back to the 1930's, the '50's or the 1900's. My home is decorated old fashioned and it's not strange for me to fall back to the old classic styles from crisises and poor periods from long ago. That helps me cope somehow. My hang to the old fashioned makes it romantic in a cruel 'You can't get it more accurate than this.' -way. But let's explain that later on.) All off a sudden when looking up inspiration for easter cookies, a massive depression hit me. I don't know if you can call it that if it takes on for a short time. But it wasn't nice. I can't explain why it hit me when looking up spring-themed easter cookies. You'd say it would cheer me up. But it dragged me down and I have no reason for you why that is. 

What helps me cope today is this: 


It's a perfect banana syrup waffle cake, with home made caramel sauce and it cheers me up how perfect it came out off it's mold. I'm proud off it. I made it this morning and it will be served tomorrow afternoon at de Boed's (A small community centre in Zaandijk.) coffee moment. The fog has faded. Fog on the river Thames in London is also such a January idyle I think off a lot these days, it's perfectly suitable for that January depressive feeling. It's that I have made a banana- syrup waffle cake instead off a British fruitcake, otherwise I could perfectly picture myself in old England with all that depressive fog surrounding the Gortershof garden. (This is old fashioned Netherlands, but you get the idea.)  Nevertless, my cake cheers me up. And I hope it also has that effect on fellow clients. Baking helps me through. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.  

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