donderdag 12 januari 2023

Good afternoon at the 12th off January, 2023.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today is rainy, stormy and windy. It's downright terrible outside. 


No-Spend-Month is going nowhere. I have been quite enjoying myself, this past first week off the year. With a shopping trip and a lunch at a restaurant at the dunes, and purchasing make-up with a huge discount online. (It was just too good off an offer to resist.) The previous time I hit the button quite harder and did well on No-Spend-Month. It's just that this time I don't seem to manage it well. I have had a great first two weeks off the year, nevertless, but I didn't play by the rules. Except for not buying clothes untill Spring. I kept myself well to that so far. It's only been two weeks, but it's been going allright. 

I don't know if I'm going to give No-Spend-Month a new, more fair, try. Or that I'll leave it here. It's not a bad idea not to spend too much money these months. Life is expensive, and every dime saved is one. But the world just seems to be tempting at the moment, with new fancy bakingmolds I recently discovered, and the authors to a favoutite bookseries off mine have come with new work. I definetely wish to read it. It's called Namaste by Franscesc Mirailles and Héctor Garcia, about the ancient Indian wisdom off Namaste. (They wrote several books on Japanese wisdom, like Ikigai and Wabi Sabi. Now they took a try on an ancient Indian wisdom.) It's feelgood, it reads perfectly and I love their works. Maybe it's something for later on. Just like those fancy (Silicon) baking molds I discovered. 

This week's Wednesday Soup was for brocoli-zuchinni soup and people loved it. It's been a work off love again for those who wish to eat a fresh bowl off soup each week at de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk. A small village in the Netherlands. I have been snickering a bit about something I came up with about it: 

'We don't eat this shit, we just sell it- we reserve the right to eat soup to the young, the black, the poor and the stupid.' (It's how the tobacco industry has put it in their disclaimer: 'We don't smoke this shit, we just sell it- we reserve the right to smoke to the young, the black, the poor and the stupid.') It's not true that I, or 'we' (As in: de Boed's management.) don't eat my soup, me and most caretakers love it. I just have been thinking it out as how some people might perceive my soup kitchen each week. Trying to make poor people who are desperate eat that shit. It's not true. It's restaurant worthit soup. I really give it my best and I love how people enjoy it, and today I have been enjoying a bowl myself. The only thing about it, is that it fullfills me even more to make poor fellow clients eat it. They just love it. And I love that. I have been really sarcastic about it. Who needs a critic if you can do so yourself? 

The weather for next week has been forecasting winter showers over the Netherlands, with chances for snow. Just like I thought. It won't last long, but winter isn't over yet. I feel I'm prepared, though hoarding three jars off peanutbutter probably wasn't the best idea, since I'm out off them almost already. But I got warm sweaters and socks. I feel it's going to be allright next week for me. 

Yesterday evening I was enraged. It wasn't loud anger, but the silent, poisonous-for-yourself kind off anger. I have been fed up with the crisis, the poor people getting poorer, the poor kids suffering even more, the weather, the energy crisis, the war in Ukraine, and just the feeling off deep dark crisis and having to be sober in general. I have been enraged, but to a point where I could still function. I just sat there on my couch, digesting it all, and feeling terrible without anything or anyone to speak my mind to. It really got the best off me last night and it doesn't does so often. Luckily it faded and I could go to bed. 

We won't be poor forever. There will be a time where we will be as decadently wealthy as we where in, say, 2015. It's just that this year will be a pitch dark crisis year for everyone, where we better don't be ungratefull about the things we still have. It's going to be a year where everyone will be sober, and has to play it sober. We are poor. But there will be days when we look back on this and we live to tell the tale. 

With this positive statement, I'd like to end this weblog for today. Remember to keep your head up, despite it all. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.     

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