zaterdag 14 januari 2023

Good evening at the 14th off January, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today a stormwind is passing us by, including rainstorms and strong wind. 


I did two things this morning, 

I have been preparing a marble cake, which is for tomorrow and which didn't come whole out off it's mold - unfortunately. My ass will be saved if the inside off this turns out to be gorgeous, like it's supposed to be with marble cakes. 

And I have been preparing four jars off berry sauce: 

(I didn't cif them. But it's my intention to leave pits and chunks in.) 

It's for a supprise dessert for Monday evening for de Boed, a small community centre in Zaandijk, the Netherlands. It's so satisfying to cook berries with sugar in my cooking pan. 

I pureed the thing with my stand mixer to smoothen. It's really comforting, and satisfying, especially when it's raining cats and dogs outside. I brought it to a brothle after I smoothened, and after a few minutes I thought my sauce was done. I used berries, cinnamon, a lot off sugar, some jelly sugar and a hint off water in it. It tastes wonderfull, and I hope people at de Boed will love it, too. It's for a comfort dessert especially made to beat the Blue Monday blues this year. I'm going to make people's all time favourite: Semolina pudding. If you ask them what dessert they miss most, and what you hear them most about, it's semolina pudding with berry sauce. From their youth, like how their mother would prepare it. I'm going to make semolina pudding tomorrow, so it can stiffen well for Monday evening. Especially on a shitty day where the weather is all bad, after a boring potatoes, meat and vegetables dish (Like they are going to serve us) I know a semolina pudding is going to be loved by them. I'm really going to make work out off it. If it's going to get well out off it's mold tomorrow, I will really have something to picture for you. 

It's so nice to cook up berries, I'm willing to do more with it. I have been comfort cooking most off the day. Except for lunch and coffee at de Boed. I just cross my fingers I will have enough cake for tomorrow. And enough pudding for Monday. And that my pudding will come entirely out off it's mold. That's a lot to hope for. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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