donderdag 5 januari 2023

Good afternoon at the 5th off January, 2023.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today it's grey, cold and cloudy. It's perfect weather to feed a winter depression. 


This will be a blog with a warning. 

Society is going backward, people are fed up and speak off some sort off a revolution to safe the world, but something told me yesterday evening that society can face the problems that will be thrown to it much better, if it stays the way it is for a while and doesn't evolve to the next version off society. Which will be disastrous in this case. 

If society would develop, we would get something worse than a dictatorship and I had a clear dream about it some time ago. It wasn't good. Instead off peace-making hippies, the extreme right got the overhand and destroyed life and it's most important values and brought up some extreme nasty and violent men to keep law and order under their rules. It where some sort off Nazi's 2.0, and I'm not kidding about it. Everything that's strange and eccentric was put to chains, the nazi's kept law and order and women where thrown back to unemancipation. The country wasn't going forward. It's the sentiment that plays among white men who feel victimized by modern emancipation and Black Lives Matter. The extreme right will victory with violence, put the law book under their own conctruction and torture strange people to death. And it didn't look fair or better. I should warn you about it. They where about to change countries borders, put strict rules up for women and minorities, act with brute violence and put our beautifull modern law out off order to control Europe. Entire Western Europe (Except for Scandinavia.) was victimized by it in my vision. The emotion off the extreme right lives strong in a lot off people. It's a threat and a potential danger, and it has to be kept under control. As screwed up and as stupid as society may seem nowadays, at least it's not a dictatorship, minorities are protected by the law and the police is strong enough to keep hold off acts off brute violence (Or I may hope so.) 

If society would stay the way it is for, say, 50 years, it's much easier to face the problems we will have to face. Famine, war, poverty, etcetra. If we would be thrown into a dictatorship governed by the extreme right, it will hit us even harder. I have the feeling I should already warn you against this. If society evolves these years, it will not be for the greater good. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading. 

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