donderdag 19 januari 2023

Good afternoon at the 19th off January, 2022.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today it's clear, with here and there a cloud, and it's cold. In the south off this country, there has happened to be a blizzard. But the streets here are still as clean and grey as bricks can be. 


Yesterday was for coconut- straciatella quark tarts. Because my dad would have turned 70 this year yesterday. My mom and brothers told me to 'get over with it.' And 'go on with life.' And they didn't feel the urge to remember or celebrate. So I celebrated it this way with de Boed. The coconut and dark chocolate chips where my own addition. It was pretty good. I also adjusted a little extra vanilla extract, and amaretto syrup. 

Mom and my brothers refuse to make a small celebration out off my dad's birthday after ten years. It's hard for me for them to do so. I have cried a few tears over it these weeks. I'm not as harsh as my family when it comes to these kind off things. We should go on and not fear death and live our lives to the fullest, still I'm only human and I still have the urge to remember my dad in style each year. Death is a softer and better place for humans to go, and dad would only wanted us to live our life to the fullest. He would have hated us to still cry over him after all these years. Still I think my family is mean with it. And ignorant. It's not to my liking but they're not open to my side. I have no choice but celebrating it my style. In my own circle.  

No-Spend-Month is going nowhere. I went to the city centre off Zaandam, and had lunch with a cappuccino and then purchased a few books at a bookstore two days ago. I purchased Namaste, and two cookbooks among which the Chicken Bible. The last edition off the cooking bible series to complete my collection. Aside to that, I purchased laundry wash and softner on a discount this week. (I'm washing my duvet and pillows today. You're supposed to do so each half a year. I'm using my new laundry softner today.) And I gave away a bottle off new laundry wash and softner from those multipacks. I made someone happy with it. This flat has a small wooden case where you can donate stuff for free and people who can use it can take it from it. When I purchase multipacks for cheap off certain items, I'm not the last to share a bottle off this or that. Usually the donation case is stuffed with old books. Sometimes I think I'm the only one stupid enough to use it for what it's ment for. It's barely  put to good use. But not today, today I made someone happy with expensive laundry wash for color and sweet smelling softner. I also let someone borrow my new Hiro Arikawa book after I finished it. (With a note for her to return it after she finished it.) 

No-Spend-Month is going nowhere, I purchase whatever my heart desires only to give it away almost immediately after I received it. In my defense I can say that it's a hard week. A fellow client has died, and a caretaker has become permanently sick and doesn't return to work after a year off abscence. I liked her and she was good and helpfull at her job. She was in my team for pretty long. The groceries where expensive but I decided nevertless to still bake, because people can use my work to soften edges more than ever this month so it seems. But what's life without sharing and giving away? Allright, that's it. I quit No-Spend-Month for this time and go on with life as decadent as usuall. I'm simply not strong enough this month, or I'm rebelling against myself. Either way, it doesn't work. When intuition, and the power off the universe have their way, sometimes rational No-Spend-Month is no use. Then I have to follow my heart and spend as I please. As long as I use my mind with it, and not go too much overboard with it. 

Despite it might seem a bit innapropriate to still bake, given the circumstances. I decided to still do so. I think I will be gratefull towards myself in the future if I keep on baking now. And yes, the sad people off de Boed do love their cakes despite it all. Maybe it does comfort them and I do help people cope. And it's good to practice my hobby and set my own mind off off things. It's a win-win situation for everyone in this case. (And yes, people -even the most sad people- loved the coconut-straciatella cake. They kept on complimenting me over and over.) 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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