vrijdag 27 januari 2023

Good evening at the 27th off January, 2023.

Good evening everyone, 

Today was cloudy and grey outside. And cold. 


Today was for travelling to my family for a gathering this sunday. My grandma will turn 90. Which is pretty awesome. I already arrived today to spend the weekend here. It won't be all weekend. It's going to be held at Sunday. Still I wanted to be here today. 

Today was for travelling to my family by train, and then finishing the book Namaste, by Franscesc Miralles and Héctor Garcia while mom was still at work. I just loved it and it had a good impact on me. I never have been reading work that has been explaining spiritual terms from India as clear as this work to me. Usually I read them and they stand by me as quite 'vague.' But this was clear enough to understand. Except for the Indian names to persons, which where hard to understand. (And read, let alone pronounce and remember.) But other than that, the book was clear as water to understand to a low educated and interested noob like me. I have been interested in Buddhism and eastern philosophys and been reading about them for quite some time now. I just hope I can keep on remembering everything, I think I have to let everything sink in for a while, and then probably re-read. It's been interesting. 

The reason why I probably love the works off these authors, is that I can relate so well to their book 'Ikigai.' Their first and most famous work. For me, my Ikigai is cooking and baking. It's been a philosophy which suited my life quite much. I have been soaking in all their works so far and they're authors I can recommend to the audience.  

This is what the Dutch version off Namaste looks like, but I'm pretty sure there's an English version / version in your language off it. I have been shopping my copy in an actuall bookstore instead off online. And it's only 16,99 euro's. Which I think is an acceptable price for such a book. 

It's perfect for anyone who wants Indian spiritual terms perfectly explained to them, and who is interested in the lifestyle they describe. 

Yesterday was for taking notes off the Leviaan council meeting again. It's been a while since I did so. I have had enough off taking notes for a while, but yesterday I took on it again, and I'm proud to say that I worked them out pretty soon and that I already send them to be printed. Office work is cool. As long as it doesn't soak you out and leaves you empty at the end off the day. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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