vrijdag 11 augustus 2023

Good evening at the 11th off August, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today felt warm but it was grey and cloudy in this area off the Netherlands. This weekend is promising to become a bit brighter. 


I shared my frustration about having nothing to do with staff from de Boed. I felt a bit fed up about it, and then they came with a present for me: A colouring book for adults, just for me. They know I'm doing pretty bad, so they where kinda generous today and brought me pencils so I could set off my mind off things. I took it, and accepted the chance. I haven't been colouring for a long time, to be honest. 

I coloured this in the morning, I think it's some sort off fancy seashell. I think it turned out pretty. 

This afternoon during de Boed's Friday afternoon party, I seperated myself from the group to sit at the creative table and colour this: 

It's a bit Indie in my opinion. Colouring these helps me to find a way to work with 'being difficult.' And having a high standard. I want things to be utmost good, in a world where most things and people accept moderate to bad as being good enough. It's hard finding air to my feelings. In these works, I can put my perfectionism and worry about images to become as good as I can colour them. It reliefs frustration, and gives air to those feelings. I think this is very healthy for people in general. To colour. Just like swimming every week and herbal tea every evening.

I'm so glad they gave me that colouring book. I have a way to spend this weekend for cheap: colouring!!! And de Boed has a lot off pencils. I'm lucky with it.

And I'm playing 'Fell in love with an alien.' by The Kelly Family on repeat. If you want some advice on what to listen to: 


Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


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