dinsdag 1 augustus 2023

Good afternoon at the 1st off August, 2023.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today is muddy, cloudy, sunny and warm but here and there a bit rainy. We live in some sort off river swamp in the Netherlands. This type off weather is an excellent proove off that. 


I wish to share something with you about the war and the crisis. The war is going to be untill 2028, and 2027 will be it's depth. The crisis can take a bit longer, since companies and people need to recover. So, I would like to say it's going to take an entire decade off crisis, if not a bit longer. I have this news from visions and dreams I seem to remember clear today. 2027 will also be the depth off this crisis. Be aware. 

Today was for shopping a bit in Zaandam city centre. I purchased a few nice items and had coffee, ice cream and a lunch break there. I have been quite long shopping. Today it felt like the crisis wasn't there at all, but I can feel it's sharp breath in my neck whenever I go out shopping. I had soft 'natural.' every day make-up on today, with items I already own. I would not have felt ashamed if Edo would have popped up out off nowhere today. But overvieuwing myself, I think I look a bit strange somehow. Even with prettyfying make-up on my face. 

I had fun shopping. I could set my delusions and obsessions off off that man. Which felt like a relief. To be capable to set my mind off and do other things instead off being in the house all day is much better. Though I fell for the commercial trap off heart shaped baking ware. During valentine's day it's already too much off a scam. I shouldn't have fallen for it with a mental infatuation behind my teeth. I purchased a baking mold in the shape off a heart. I think I'm going to melt de Boed's heart during Valentine's day with it. Other than that I don't see myself trapping an adult man out off nowhere to have a slice off one thing or another and have a roll with me. I consider Edo (A still random stranger) way too mature for that. But still- I didn't already own a heart. At the end off my shopping trip, I somehow regretted that purchase. But at least I can have a little fun with it for Valentine's day next year. Other than that I don't see it's use. Somehow I see worms coming out off whatever I bake with it when I have it on my mind. It's that much off a regret. 

On a positive note, I have kept it moderate with beauty shopping. I only purchased items I would buy under any circumstances. Hairdye and topcoat for nailpolish. 

I did an attempt to save out on nailpolish. I purchased topcoat I'm going to use on colours I already have. Work with what you already have. I don't know if we can survive the next ten years with that vision. This is going to be a poor decade. Be aware and make sensible choices. Even if they feel hard on you. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.       

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