donderdag 10 augustus 2023

Good evening at the 10th off August, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today has been grey and cold when it comes to weather. I´m already wearing winter pants when it comes to this summer. They have forecasted clear weather, but they forget Zaandijk is probably haunted, which makes it grey and cold here most off the time. There is some sort off old Dutch spooky vibe in the air with all the old houses when it´s Dutch potato meat and vegetables weather. It´s not known for being haunted by ghosts, but the grey somberness gives away that idea. 


I foresee prices being really sky rockety high by 2025. It's going to be beyond the moon at least. Somehow I hope people are prepared for that. It's going to ask something from us. And when the crisis is over, the prices won't immediately go low to a point where it's acceptable. Expect moderate price enlowering in 3 years. But by far not enough. That foresight is depressing and it's enough to give the feeling off a hostage to the country and it's people. I have the feeling my feelings off panic are in line with that idea: these feelings off panic are suitable at a hostage. I'm not being hostiled, but the feeling, the feeling... panic, mental terror, it's exhausting. I'm just not the person to show such terror in my mind in public. Still I have the feeling my medication enhighering is working. I feel less psychotic and I have the feeling most delusions are gone now. Still I feel panic.  

During a crisis, there should be good coffee. As long as we can drink a cup off coffee with something good and sweet siding it alltogheter... but the crisis makes coffee expensive, and cookies and sweet treats just as good. I feel I feel gratefull as long as the coffeepot at de Boed pruttles each morning and afternoon for it's clients. I would not be capable to do it otherwise. Pruttling coffee is very comforting. Especially during a massive crisis, but maybe that's my personal feeling and opinion. A crisis you say? Coffee there should be! Without de Boed, I would not be capable to afford coffee either. I don't know how this is going to help the nation, but I'm off opinion this country is going to need it's coffee and it's coffee breaks. Maybe they should hand out tickets for free coffee for everyone when it's this expensive. 

Just like I'm off opinion there should be tickets for free cheap t-shirts in the local newspaper. It doesn't has to look edgy, or fancy. It even doesn't has to be the latest fashion. Multipack-style t-shirts and pants are enough. But at least everyone who has the newspaper has an opportunity to dress themselves properly. Especially when it's too expensive to purchase new clothes. We are going to look boring as hell, but at least we're dressed. Tickets for free feminine hygiene like period cloths in the paper or on leaflets are also off my favor. The regulair basics everyone needs on tickets is not favorable for a healthy nation, but I don't see how people are going to do it otherwise. I don't have menstrual poverty myself, but there are just too much women who have. If people can't afford, the government should do it for them in my opinion.

These are dangerous times. Crisis is a breeding place for dictators. Hitler and Napoleon came to power when Germany and France where deeply desperate. We should beware off that. The great prophet Nostradamus speaks off a dictator who comes to power during this crisis, and we should foresee it and not take it.  As far as we can, offcourse. But in a Europe on it's last leggs, I can see it happen. If people are desperate enough, it's going to happen. I have the feeling a criminal organisation can perfectly blackmail an ordinairy guy or gal with a family, telling they are going to pay their groceries and energy bill this winter if he does this or that for them. That's NOT A healthy situation to live in. 

I have a boring weekend ahead, I have to go to the hospital next week. I have to turn coins to afford the cab to drive me there and back this week. I think it stinks not to be capable to bake or do something truly fun, but it's a necessity and I think a cab to the hospital is a need sometimes. I'm going to undertake an MRI-scan. It's a very long story, and I haven't kept this weblog pretty accurate the last half a year, but maybe I'm going to explain it somewhere when it's behind the back. It's going to be such  a week, with the dates off death to a lot off family ahead. It's not even appropriate to bake for me this week, so that should not be off my concern. But to have a taxi under my ass when I'm going there, is going to take me something. 

Somehow I think mankind is not doomed by this Ukraine war. I think the world will go on afterward, a little more injured and aggrieved than it was before, but the world is going to survive (Also according to Nostradamus.) But don't expect sunshine and roses these years. If you can still make something fun out off it, despite everything, power to that. But don't expect it will come for free. It's going to be evil and murderous for ordinairy people these years. People, beware. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.       


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