zondag 6 augustus 2023

Good evening at the 6th off August, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today it's stormy, raining cats and dogs and it's bad weather for a day in August. 


Yesterday evening, at the 5th off August, Castlefest has been burning 'The mother off Ancestors.' A wickerbeast dedicated to women, emancipation and motherhood, and something about it itches. I can't see Vana as emancipated at all after how they treated me during my time with them. It's no miracle the weather is this bad during Castlefest. Speaking off requesting the gods, this is probably what you got. 

Vana has been slutshaming, catcalling, and somewhat violently pushing me into a role I don't wish to be into, due to their vision on my opinion, which they call a big mouth, but which I would call adjust.

Vana keeps on telling me 'to become a mother.' 'Let someone impregnate you.' 'Keep your mouth shut and become a mother, and become less off a vixen.' In my opinion, this whole wickerbeast was nothing less than a big scam. Vana Events is NOT emancipated, and I believe some things are not suitable to personificate their wickerbeast. I don't wish to be a mother, I am a mental patient in psychiatric health, I have problems with my fertility, and so on. It's a big offend to keep on telling me to 'Get pregnant and shut up.'

Now Mark and Natasha being all hypocrit and ment for the appearance off Castlefest with this one, this one falls pretty wrong with me, and it's a lie and an offend to me personal. I have NEVER been treated with the right respect. Not as a maiden, not during this era off my adulthood and I believe it will never come with them. They try to force me with a man I see as highly unsuitable for me and who I have never seen as attractive. (Yoram B.) Is this Wickerbeast dedicated to me personally? I don't accept it. I won't come back for another big lie off a wickerbeast. Also given the rude way it's been going with Yoram and how he wanted to get rid off me, by picking a younger girlfriend. THAT is not emancipated. Vana ignoring the matter while I contacted them about it several times makes it even worse. You guys emancipated? Do you believe it yourself? I'm not into Yoram, but I tried to contact them about the matter because it was rude off him the way that went. He even called me ugly and said there where more pretty women on the terrain than me. His girlfriend is a frele bimbo with blonde curls, where I'm a fat, cool blonde with glasses. Somehow Vana calling themselves emancipated itches and it's NOT adjust. I have been telling Mark: 'Have you fallen off off your religion?' in some letters. If this is how he wants to get his face back, by burning some straw doll instead off showing and acting truly and for real, then he is one hell off fake in my opinion. I can't see Vana as emancipated and this whole wickerbeast was a big scam.  I think it's an offend for the gods to any true pagan.   

I believe the gods agree with me, seen the weather. This was not Castlefest weather worthy. When it comes to Vana: Don't believe a word they put up with, it's fake and the gods cry over it. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.   

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