vrijdag 18 augustus 2023

Good evening at the 18th off August, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today the weather was grey and warm and humid. It´s average muddy swamp weather in the Netherlands. The only thing that makes it diverse from most days, is that it was somewhat warm today.


The economy in the Netherlands shrunk this quarter off a year with 0,3 %. People where spending less, and the investments where bigger than expected. I expected 0,9% off a shrink this quarter off year, but it was a bit less than expected. Still, I wasn't as optimistic as most official economists. Maybe I shouldn't pinpoint on the exact marks. That's a bit too hard. Still I have the feeling or the idea we have another two quarters off crisis ahead for this year. Let's not be optimistic about it. 

I think a bad economy is the prelude for a lot off things not to take place, and the people going to be sober over it. I think we will have less to spend the next half a year, money is worthit less, and the crisis will increase. The country will be on fire when it comes to inflation during Christmas, and even after the war in Ukraine, the country will be a mess with crisis ahead. Be aware this might take place and we're in it. It's very hard for people with low incomes. And for those types like me, who loved to bake. I just loved to bake every often, and I just can't do it anymore as often as I want to. 

I cope with it, the world still turns around, but it's a big miss in my life. I'm not the person to over-act, I seem to take it more brave than I expected. I didn't know I would take it as easy as I seem to do now, but people are incredible creatures when it comes to adapting to circumstances. Believe it or not, but humans can adapt to bad happenings and circumstances in life pretty easily and survive if they have to. I think someone should tell that to the younger generations and people who over-act in general. But I can adapt to not baking as much as previous years. I can take it. Inuits adapt to the North Pole, Nomads adapt to the desert, Poor people can adapt to spare circumstances. 

Still, I think I'm going to feel this my entire life, probably. If we get out off this eventually. I think no matter how old I will get, I will probably always have this crisis and being poor in my youth on the back off my mind as an adult woman. But to have been poor makes me able to survive nowadays. There was only a short time where I felt somewhat rich, and that was due to living in fancy care homes. Nowadays it's old stuff and being low on income and money again, just like in the old days when I was a teen and in my early twenties. Has it ever been truly any diffrent? Not really. Luckily there's the 80's. 

I believe I'm not the only one who can say this crisis would be nothing and nowhere without good old 80's pop. I listen to the golden oldies over and over again and I indulge in it, I admit. I just love the music my parents brought me up with. It's cool, it's still edgy and still sounds modern, I think I truly feel it and it lifts my spirit up, like it has always done. It does to most people so it seems. There my generation is, wearing cheap clothes, listening to 80's pop for the millionth time. Who would have expected that. We're probably making ourselves up for a war. I don't know that from visions, but it's something I expect. It's just a bit sour it has to be this sober and poor. I hope people in western Europe never truly have to fight. It seems like they're making us human waste to make us up for a true fight in Ukraine somehow. Instead off truly doing something for middle to low class and improving circumstances for us. As long as we have a roof above our head, and food on the table, the older generarion woes those who dare to complain. But what is it worth if it has to be at your parents around your 30's? It's not that bad for me, I still live in my small care home in  old fashioned Zaandijk, among the elders and people with a mental disorder. But is that favorable? 

In a normal country, you wouldn't dare to envy me. These days, I seem to have silly luck with it. I'm still not on the rich side off poor, like I used to be. I have to do it in life with meals at de Boed, and the little money that's granted to me with what I have. I survive, rather than to live, but I always have. From youth on. 

A lot off things don't take place due to the lack off money. Not just in my life, but in many lives. I hope people can handle it. And I should feel rich tomorrow morning care staff makes coffee for me at de Boed. Coffee is unaffordable nowadays, but we still have it, fresh black coffee with plain milk served in Senseo sized muggs. You would have declared me a complete lunatic 4 years ago if I told you it was luxury. Nowadays you scratch my eyes out for it. That's being on the rich side off poor nowadays, and it's not to my favor. I would love a country where everyone can have wealth. But it's not possible these days and it will not be possible short time in the future. 

Keep your head held up, and don't let them make you feel down despite the crisis. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.       



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