zaterdag 12 augustus 2023

Good evening at the 12th off August, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

This morning started all grey, cold and rainy, but the afternoon is surely bright and beautifull. 


This morning was for colouring an image off a teacup in my new colouring book, it turned out bright, fancy, dreamy, and I had a way to set off my mind off things. 

Staff is at a point where they grant me things due to coming off so bad, they grant me a colouring book, they open de Boed's creative room ahead to opening time so I can sit there and colour, they grant me coffee before opening time. I'm doing that bad. Out off pity they give things to me. I don't know if I have to worry about myself a bit more. In my head, I'm not doing so bad, but I know I'm not doing well. 

My opinion on the Vana Events wicker doesn't has being mental as a source, but Vana's biggotry towards me. There's a diffrence in that. It's an opinion which comes from my experience with Vana. It's not something mental. 

Maybe I'm doing so bad due to the wicker. In that case the whole thing made even less sense. It's a hard period already. Any pagan trying to put an evil spell on me should be doomed three times over to their own hell. 

Today was for colouring an image, having lunch at de Boed, taking a rest and then being there at coffee time, having coffee with the others and sitting on de Boed's terrace under the canopy. Then had dinner there. That's been my day. I was requested not to go too far from de Boed and Leviaan today, so they could keep an eye on me for this Saturday. I haven't done crazy things. Slowly I feel I'm doing a bit better. But maybe that's just what I remark about myself. Maybe I'm not doing well at all. But I'm watched over today. So I guess going bad is not much off an issue. As long as I keep it in sight off health care.  

I also helped doing the dishes this evening, tidying de Boed's cupboard and drying kitchenware for them. I did my best for them my way, though it was hard. Being on medication enhighering is hard. It feels like a lot off pressure and cramp in my brain. It's not easy. 

I also have to mention the positive influence off cats. The sweet feeling off petting a cat and cats in general do good to me. Especially at this moment. What's better than petting and cuddling a friendly cat? I have a local turtoise cat being friendly with me recently. I love it and it saves my soul. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.    



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