woensdag 13 september 2023

Good afternoon at the 13th off September, 2023.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today it's cooler weather with grey clouds and cool wind. It turns out the thunderstorms where in the south off this country. Still it's better weather for me today. 


This morning someone anoying entered de Boed, and I felt an urge to escape. I had everything on stock, so I decided on to bake two raisin cakes. From the quark cake mix I usually make my dried prune and golden raisin cakes with. But these are too expensive, so I was glad I had plain raisins on stock for these: 

despite it had to be done cheaper, they turned out picture worthit and even instead off damaged with cake stuck in the baking molds. I'm proud they turned out like this since I used to have a few issues with cakes being stuck in the mold, and not getting out even. These are fancy and have perfect ridges. 

I don't bake as often as I used to anymore. It's a loss and I miss it. Baking like I used to is impossible nowadays. But raisin cake there is tomorrow. (They're better when you store them in your fridge overnight. That's the proces they're in now.) They will be served for Leviaan clients at the afternoon coffee tomorrow. 

That's the main subject off this weblog, and I miss my weblog often not to make more sense than a fancy baking every weekend. Due to the times and everything. But tomorrow I can make people happy with cake. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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