maandag 11 september 2023

Good morning at the 11th off September, 2023.

 Good morning everyone, 

Today the weather is sunny, bright and hot for a day in September. The Netherlands has a small heathwave behind the back, and today is the last day before it starts to thunderstorm tomorrow. 


I'm wearing a summer dress and flipflops. You would say Christmas is nowhere near, but we have to talk about it before it's too late. 

This year's Christmas I think the prices are going to be through the roof, and everything will be incredibly expensive. So here's the thing: Let's be sober with Christmas and work with what I've got on the shelves. And not only during Christmas, but during the entire fall / winter season. Let's safe out on Christmas and winter and be truly sober this entire season. It's not like No Spend Month, Though you can see it a bit that way. I am allowed to purchase, I am allowed to eat out, It's just that I'm going to take it very moderate this Christmas. I don't have kids or a partner, and mom and my brothers would not mind too much if I don't purchase them gifts this year. They are likely to understand. Especially during a crisis. It's no crime to safe out on gifts if you don't have children in my opinion. 

I have been setting money aside for Christmas poststamps and holiday cards. Somewhere around April I have been putting money in a bin to do so this year. I like to think ahead. So that's the only thing I'm likely to do: To send Christmas cards. Other than that, I'm going to re-wear winter clothes and use make-up and perfume I still got. There's no need not to celebrate Christmas at all. I have more than enough stuff from previous years and it would be a shame and a waste not to use it this year. 

Being expensive is NOT the holiday spirit. Jezus was born in a crib in a stable and lived his life sober and spare. Thinking off the poor people. To give, to share and to be togheter. THAT is the true holiday spirit. 

I'm going to do a christmas / Sinterklaas gift for de Boed's give away shop this year. Something they will really enjoy. A multipack off Zwitsal laundry wash, and a package off Zwitsal laundry softner for them. They have been requesting when I donated laundry wash to them. (It's our little secret for now. 😉  But they can't find this weblog and they don't understand English) But it's been too expensive for just an ordinairy give away. I haven't been donating multipacks in a while. But the Zwitsal stuff for the holidays (Zwitsal is a brand off baby care products. They conjoined Robijn with their smell for laundry stuff. Most people love it. But here they can't afford that.) is just perfect in my opinion. To give a gift to people who can use it. I have been thinking to put it in wrapping paper. But maybe that's a bit too much. Saving out is savig out, I can't say it other than that. And to be honest, people here don't care about the wrapping paper. It's just something unpractical in the way in their (Most fellow clients) opinion. If I would do it, that would be just for my own fun. If it's not a need, then why considering it anyway? I believe they would love the laundry wash and softner though. 

It's going to be a suprise for them this year. Other than that, nothing from that whole holiday circus for me, please. I got everything. Maybe I allow myself a Christmas cookie or chocolate. Other than that, nothing. 

I have the feeling I do good about that this year. Re-wear winter, and crabby Christmas. And spare new year. During the crisis, more than ever. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.    

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