dinsdag 26 september 2023

Psychiatric doesn't automatically mean psycho

 Good evening everyone, 

In modern popcult, being a psychiatric patient is often seen and confused with being evil and psycho. Maybe that's due to me. My actions may gave an impression off selfishness and cruelty, but they where not my mental disease and I don't have the intention to be selfish and cruel. 

Ever since I was put in the mental hospital in 2013, I decided I wanted to change myself. Come out as a better person since this was not how I wanted it to continue. The whole world hating on me this much. I decides to come out and be helpfull and trying to help people and be a better person than I was. I decided I wanted to be a good person and help fellow patients. And be a light in the darkness that surrounds us. That's been my motto. And so I did. 

It's just that my intentions to clear my name and speak the truth about Vana have never vanished and I doubt you could see it as a mental issue, let's be honest with it for once. 

But being psycho is being utmost cruel and enjoying other people's pain without resentment and concious. Which is not true in most cases off me and fellow clients. Most off the time we deal with issues off the past and dwell in hurt. I don't do make-up and looks like an evil queen and think 'Let's squeeze someone out today by hurting them.' That's not it. 

People who call us 'psycho.' have no idea what they're talking about. Mental patients often try their best to beat the stigma and be good people. They are just as selfish as most common people most off the time. 

People who think I abuse being mental as a reason to be psycho utmost stink. I never do. I'm somewhat off a justice seeker with a big mouth. There's a diffrence in that. I have never abused my mental issue to intentionally hurt someone. Usually I'm more like: 'What can I do to make this day a good day somehow?' When I have nothing to do, and I like to give away stuff and have fun, but never by intentionally hurting someone. That'd never be me. 

Somehow I hope you understand after I told you this. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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