maandag 18 september 2023

Good evening at the 18th off September, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today it's somewhat warm, but rainy all day. And there have been thunderstorms. 


I expect the growth marks off this country for this quarter off a year to be in between 0% and -0,5% somehow. I expect there to be a minus to be honest. That means the entire year is a minus for growth for the Netherlands. It's not the end off the world, the world will still turn somehow. And it will turn after this. But it's a matter off the day to deal with. Cheers to those off you who can still make it, and a cheer you up for those who don't. 

Today has been for grocery shopping. Then a break at home, followed by a delusional episode which I needed de Boed and care staff for. I talked it out, and when it was off my mind, I went for a sit at a bench near our coi carp pond. (de Boed has an old and timeless coi carp pond.)  And then went home again but behind my computer. I have been listening to Frank Sinatra and looking up vintage images at Pinterest. It's covered in vintage these days. Very vintage fashion looks a bit too old fashioned to me. But it's in fashion like never before. Still, like I told you, I'm going to re-wear clothes from previous year. I think just an occasional red lipstick will do. In my case, very occasional since I barely wear make-up. I have been bailing about expensive advent calendars, but then realized I barely wear it anyway so it's no use to begin with. And I was never into advent calendars to begin with, so it's probably a bit stupid to fall for that commercial beauty industry hype this year. I recently bought a bit off make-up. (A few every day nude lipsticks and some cool nailpolishes.) I should not forget it's not the end off the world to do it that way. I'm glad I fell out off the stupid trap off wishfull thinking for Christmas make-up this year. I'm no longer bailing over it. This is a year off grief, not greed. Suitable, appropriate grief.  

Somehow I'm thinking off purchasing new sneakers this year. But that's because previous year's shoes are all outworn and ragged. Including holes. I think it's no crime to replace that. Even I need new shoes every year. I can't deny that. So I'm not going to 100% re-wear. It would be nothing but fair to share that with you. 

I decided to see this upcoming season and following winter as an adventure. It's a challenge, it's an adventure, it requires people to use their mind, forehand thinking and enough stuff on stock and storage instead off greed and even more toys and items. It's a downfall and a disaster and it's cruel for those who don't use their heads here. Mind over matter, hands on the stirring wheel, keep in mind what's appropriate in this case, and start the vehicle and drive with care. Then we'll see how far it might come. It's not something to drive at full speed. That's likely to crash, but a carefull drive through the cold seasons can probably get me far enough to make it through. Due to mindfull thinking, and forehand work. 

I have been storing like a squirrel. I'm good and granted the upcoming time. 

Looking for something to listen to that hits the nail right on the head this vintage period? Frank Sinatra, offcourse: 


The right vibe off comfort, the good old golden days that are in fashion these days. Due to the classics, we're making small, tiny progress. though it's not much. I haven't been listening this non-stop, but when I had the computer on, I have been listening to parts off it. 

Keep your head held up, no matter how hard the crisis hits you. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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