donderdag 7 september 2023

Good morning at the 7th off September, 2023.

 Good morning everyone, 

Tonight my curtains are closed, which means I can´t see the weather outside for now. 


There is something I wish to share with you, it's been on my mind for quite some time. 

Muslims call it Sadaqua, It's part off Christian religion and Buddhists swear by it and say it has huge impact on your next lives. I mean charity. The art off donating goods, food and money to those who do less and share in your wealth. 

It's just that I haven't found only one pagan god or godess who rules charity. Donating items, to get human beings closer to the gods, is not part off western pagan religion and it lacks it. Especially in times like this. I feel close to god when donating items to the give away closet down the hall, But to say I donate for the holy father out off the name off the lord goes too far and is not what I seek for when trying to describe the holy feeling I get when sharing items with gratefull people who appreciate. Their gratefullness is my biggest reward, and it's truly a divine feeling I got from it. It's just that there is no god or godess who hits the nail on the head and claims it as theirs. Just like the feeling off compassion for the other. Whatever you do is returned three times back to you, but it's no feeling off compassion for a soul that's descripted. Compassion is the kind off chivalry you feel for someone when they do less in your eyes, but you wish to lend them a hand. Or the feeling to let someone go who has done wrong to you. For something that didn't matter at all to you. 

I think pagans are a bit selfish. I talk about the modern folks who say 'seize the day.' And live happily for themselves without looking after the other. It's a Christian habbit and I appologize if I offend someone with it, but it's been the Christians who came with that idea in western Europe. 

In christianity and all monotheistic religions, they await the return off the messiah to relief us from doom and our sins. Because they believe we can't do it ourselves and mankind is selfish to begin with. We can't help ourselves according to them. 

But what if they are wrong? What if mankind can take it upon them to free themselves from hatred and greed, and start truly practicing the good values and don't need Jezus Christ or the messiah anymore? Most off the time I have low faith in mankind either. Just another murder, just another war, just another act out off selfishness in the headlines off the news. Is there truly no hope for mankind? You'd start to believe they are all death rotten evil on the inside. But what if... 

What if there is still only a spark off hope,  and mankind can become a good society where everyone fullfills their part and accepts one another (To begin with) And start practicing good deeds and acts off kindness and works hard alltogheter to improve the world? 

Today I donated a toothbrush in the package from Colgate and a tube off Prodent cool mint toothpaste to the give away closet down the hall. My act off kindness today was donating a fresh breath and a groomed mouth to someone. Sometimes it's that simple, to do good. I have to be honest with you that I purchase these items in multipacks with huge discounts on the internet, and that I can miss a package or two sometimes. Not everyone has that luxury. But somehow I believe it's not hard, if you can afford, to step over your pride and your ego, and donate to poor people. 

These times are so selfish and egocentric, it's disgusting. And it's looked down upon to do something against it and do something at all for the other. To be honest, like with everything in my life, I follow my own path since I believe to give and donate is utmost good. The give away closet usually looks a bit empty. But I can barely turn my back and re-watch and my donations are gone. Lately I had two pumps off Dettol hand soap for the poor people off my small appartment flat. I got back to my home, and half an hour later when passing by they where gone. People can use my gifts. But somehow I would like to see there where more like me who could or who simply would donate. Maybe they should promote the whole idea off the give away closet to people. I like to believe the people who live in this building are too poor to donate something themselves, not selfish. Maybe they don't have the capacity to be able to miss something like I do with my huge stock in the storage room. (I should try to finish items first before purchasing something new. That's going to be the goal for the next half a year.) But still, if I receive a multipack off goods, I donate a package down the hall for those who can use it. 

I do so with shampoo, conditioner, showergel, bodybutter, toothpaste, laundry wash and softner, toothbrushes, and so on. I believe lately I made someone very happy with a shower foam. I have been doing so for quite some time. I do so for the grace off god and the gods and buddha. That almighty feeling I have inside when putting something in there. And the feeling I made people happy with it. It's good to give. 

It's just that pagans should have a god where this belongs with. To donate, to give, and to share. And examples (Tales and legends) off people who got rewarded for gifts. In my opinion, some things should be stated in as many religions as possible. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.   

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