zaterdag 30 september 2023

Good evening at the 30th off September, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

It's cloudy and the evening and the mornings are fresh, but during daytime it's warm. 


This morning I baked a fresh bitterkoekjes cake. (Bitterkoekjes are traditional Dutch cookies, they're like Italian Amaretti, but more dense.) Because I had to finish ingredients I had on stock in my cupboard. (Including Bitterkoekjes.) Otherwise I would not have purchased the eggs and cream butter for this, since that's expensive these days. But I had so much on stock, not to purchase eggs and butter would have been a waste. 

The receipe comes from  the book 'Cakes' by Rutger van den Broek. I feel I haven't made anything from him in months, or even a year. 

Tomorrow it's getting even more luxurious at de Boed, a small community centre in Zaandijk, the Netherlands, because I have a nice new cake plate, decorated with black inked flowers, and the cake came out perfectly even. I don't buy kitchenware so often anymore, but one morning I felt I could not resist, and this ended up with me outside the store (After paying for it, ofcourse.) Actually it's too expensive in my opinion, but I just could not resist that day. Now I can kinda flaunt with it during Sunday afternoon coffee time. 

I haven't baked like this from scratch in months. Usually it's waaaaaay too expensive these days, but today was fine with me for now. I'm going to share it with my fellow clients at de Boed's Sunday afternoon coffee. They haven't seen it like this for a while.  Really, I could ask 5 euro's a slice nowadays if I was a coffee shop or a restaurant. But I'm not going to do so. It will be donated with pride and love, and fellow clients can have it for free if they like. Their appreciation is my reward. This, displayed at the coffee trolley or table, all nice and pretty, people being capable to take a slice off it, is also a reward for my pride in myself. It's sooo incredibly good it came out even. 

I can't bake every week anymore, so if people expect that from me: I have to dissapoint you. It's only spare and really only once in a while. Other than that it can't take place. I hope people tomorrow will enjoy.

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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