zaterdag 28 september 2024

Good afternoon at the 28th off September, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today was changing and cold, with a ray off sunshine just recent. Your typicall day in Autumn. 


My computer was at the Repair Cafe this week, something to do with a broken adapter. But they ordered a new one and I have access to it again. Though owing them 30 euro's for it. But it's no problem. I have been on Facebook and internet on my phone, but my laptop is more relaxed at certain points. 

The best way to set my mind off off things and have something on my weekend is baking. Baking, small house chores, keeping my kitchen tidy- mind set off stuff, and I needed it. Today was for preparing a batch off peanutbutter cupcakes. 

Frosted with peanutbutter with chunks frosting, and my own adjustment, chocolate sprinkles and coconut flakes on top. The receipe comes from '500 cupcakes.' Except that I left out baking powder and let it fly on self-rising flour on it's own, and adjusted a teaspoon off vanilla to the cupcake batter. I think they have an English version off the book. I needed a mind set off, I didn't see myself just coffeeing and doing nothing all day this weekend. I used the 'swoop and swirl.' technique for it's frosting. A piping bag is still too much off a difficulty, though I could try and practice. But maybe when food prices are not that insane anymore. 'Swoop and swirl.' with a fork is a guarantee for succes, while piping bag technique could fail. It's 18 cupcakes with a massive amount off icing sugar and peanut butter. I'm going to share these tomorrow at de Boed's afternoon coffee time. I was allowed to store them in their fridge, mine has little space at the moment. They look decadent and delicious. 

I still think, bad case, 2028 will be for the end off the Ukraine- Russia war. Just an insight, I can't explain to most. But it's not why I need a set- off. I barely dare to speak out WHY I needed a mind set off on this very weblog, while actually I discuss everything on here. But it's kinda sensitive. It's difficult. But a buisy Saturday helped me through. It's something about a man, and it's too close for comfort. That's all I can say. To seek a way to set off your mind is what they always reccomend to us, mental patients. So here we got 18 nice peanutbutter cupcakes. 

Allright, that's about it for now, - 

Thank you for reading.  


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