zaterdag 7 september 2024

Good evening at the 7th off September, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was sunny and bright summer weather. I've read it has been raining in the Sahara desert. And flowers are blooming. Someone should film that. 


I would like to share with you again peace will officially be in Ukraine in 2028. And unofficially in 2026, when Russia gets tired off fighting, but won't officially sign peace. It's a long sit, if you have a moment...  And it barely depends on planetairy transits. Just like the economically crisis, I'm sorry for those off you who would like to believe otherwise. Uranus from Taurus to Gemini, Saturn and Neptune from Pisces to Aries, but it doesn't truly depend on that.  

It's stressive, especially for those who suffer from it. If you have strong guts and a big wallet, you can do it. All the others probably have to take and accept a lot. It's what I got 'whispered in.' But I'm not the sanest person out there, it could be wrong. But we'll see after that. It's the same story I hang to the internet for a while. I hope I won't go down in history as a charlatan. But we have to take a lot if it's true. 

And I prepared a cake. The cake box and the eggs where donated by a rich woman who lives nearby, and who does small donations to us sometimes. The eggs are from her own chicken.

It came out nicely, and we have a nice slice off cake on Sunday afternoon with our fresh coffee. They think my cake looks perfect.  

I'm not that fine, it's too humid and dense when it comes to weather, yesterday was for thunderstorms, perfect to clear the air. But it's still nauseas, It's awfull for me. 

I expect the Russia-Ukraine war to be the only war on the European continent for this entire century. It's the only conflict we're going to have. It's the only one for an entire century, but we have to sit it out. I also expect prices to increase. Even more than what they have done. Untill it's a totall off 21% for this entire crisis. I should mind my own business, or go crazy, probably. But maybe I just wish to warn you. Expect a long and expensive sit. Don't think too lightly about it. And use your common sense. And probably no big plans in the short term. It's just too expensive for most. 

My system is full with summer heath. I wish it would cool down sooner. I don't like summer. And everything seems like it's too much to take. It's a bit annoying. Let's end this post here. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


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