dinsdag 10 september 2024

Good evening at the 10th off September, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

It's raining cats and dogs this evening. 


I wish for you to consider a certain possibility, something, an outcome that might be. 

Namely for Trump to win the American elections and the situation in the world to continue the way it is. It is very well possible Trump will win those. I don't know why I'm telling you this, just the fairies whispering it in, so to say. It's a potential, it's drama, it's not the end off the world, but it could be bad for economics and peace. 

Why do I think so? Is it just a personal fear? No, it's the fairies whispering in conservative America is not ready for a black female president. It's too much for them to handle. Despite Trump having records as long as an arm. (It's how they said it back in the olden days in films: 'A record as long as an arm.') 

I know some off you believe in fairytales and Kamala sounds too good to be true. Be aware conservative America might strike in this. I think I should warn you for the possibility. I don't know if 'the world ever after.' will come true with Trump for the American president. And all MY hopes for the future are fairytales after all, including that wicked 'New Grunge' look I have foreseen. 

'Een gewaarschuwd mens telt voor twee.' As how they say it in Dutch. 'A warned person counts for two.' As how it goes translated, I don't know if there is a litteral American translation to that proverb. I think the world should be warned. It's something that might happen. Don't be too optimistic about the future these days. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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