maandag 30 september 2024

Good morning at the 30th off September, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

This morning it's rainy, dark and windy outside in the Netherlands. 


I could be wrong about my 2028 prediction, it can be they all come to an agreement about peace in Ukraine, and it will be 2025 we will see it. But that's a perfect case scenario. One where it ends well. Also for the world. It's not good if we struggle too long with this war. And more and more people suffer. 2028 is a doom scenario, 2025 is a good scenario. Both off which I'm uncertain, but I believe this war won't last untill the next decade. It's just very hard to determine. It's not in the short term, but it won't last forever. that's my philosophy when it comes to that. Though it can happen in 2025. It's possible! If world leaders would come to an agreement, it could happen! And the world would look so much better afterward. But I'm not a politician, and I realize 2025 is a bit optimistic. Let's skip a career as a professional seer. Since it's been vague what will happen ever since this war broke out. 

My personal idea off seductive beauty is a vampire witch. The seductress with vampy eyes and dark lips, and a pale complexion and blushy and glowy cheeks. It's just that it's not for everyone. I think I would make 'such a figure' off myself if I would do it wrong. And Zaandijk is as conservative as a naked ass, so I would not get away with it. Essence has a new limited Edition, and it's everything I find pretty. But my surrounding would think off me as too much and over done if I would wear that. The midnight seductres with dark, vampy lips and it's so pretty! But I better don't. My cousin also says I better stick to mascara and 'not too wild and crazy.' And I listen to her advice. My personal preferance is 90's nudes, applied the Chanel way. With lines that are smudged away with a cotton tip. no one takes offence to that. Or most off the time: No make up at all and they think it's pretty and fine. 

I think I better should not complain about not being allowed to look like a midnight vamp with so much things going on in the world right now. And in my life. I better behave a bit well. It's a mental institute, with men I mainly don't find attractive but who do look at me a certain way already. I better keep it sane and modest. But it's a bit baling, to keep the seductive vampire witch safely locked up. This place is conservative in looks, and there's a lot off Christian people here I have to make a face to. I think a radiant, natural complexion is important. So I don't do easy with skincare. glowy, radiant skin as if god himself granted me that angelic face, and soft, full lips done with lipbalm most off the time. And tidy hair, not too creative. I simply would not get away with something more, neither with my family. Midnight vamps are not allowed! It's almost as if I smudge my nude lipstick 'behind my teeth.' As how I would sarcastically point out at it. And offcourse, I'm tidily washed every day. I have to. I can't be a filthy pig. And naturally plucked eyebrows, and a hint off subtile eau de toilette. I have to play by old fashioned, very tight rules in this place. That's how I face the world: Tidy. I do things to keep my skin perfect looking by nature. To drink teas, not smoke, to wash and care. And it's not difficult. I can do that without trouble in my lifestyle, since I've already always done so. but it's as close to pretty as I can get. I think we'd better be glad those unwritten rules are that strict among people I don't find attractive. Then let them be strict. It's best not to overline that, and go out off it's way with Essence Bloomin' light. And most off them are rigid with that. I prefer to keep a good reputation, and not play against the lines. And just the occacionally subtle make-up every now and then is fine enough. Sacrifices I make to be accepted in here.... But maybe the vampire, ready to bite a neck, is not preferable in a psychiatric institute where everyone is death sensitive. Or in a psychiatric institute to begin with. But, Mán, Charlotte Tilbury style is not even preferable in here. Except for Christmas. On a daily base, I better stick to a style queen Victoria would agree with. Which I do. I better don't look like I'd bite a neck. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.            

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