dinsdag 1 oktober 2024

Good morning at the 1st off October, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's dark and rainy outside. It's early in the morning, and it's a serious potential for a day in Autumn. 


In front off me is a pot off detox tea, it's almost 6 AM and it's very early. I could not catch sleep anymore. I always wake up early these days. But I suspect I have slept enough. 

I decided to try 90's clothes. The cool, modern 90's style that's in fashion everywhere. Because it's cool and still edgy, and the feeling off anarchy that comes from 90's grunge appeals to me. It's to my liking. 

What's also to my liking, is that to look young and fresh, make up is not required in modern times. Most women don't wear it on a daily base if they're young, and if you have a young face, like me, you get away with it claiming I'm 7 years younger than my age, and honestly, I do get away with it... 

This is what I look like when 'I feel like it.' And I'm glad I don't need that much make up to look like I can do. I need to pluck and moisturize. And keep clean. But honestly, I can pass for 25, and that generation doesn't wear much make up, so I can pass with it. I have my own beauty secrets, but too much make up has never been one off them. Actually, that would have worked kinda contra. So, I could reccomend to my readers to wear little to no make up on a daily base if they dare. and rather care for your natural beauty. It's in fashion nowadays. 

And yes, 90's grunge. Just too awesome. I'm a 90's kid, so rumor has it I should wear it these days. All off it makes me still look young and fresh. Life is as dull as you make it, so, yes to beauty treatments and cool clothes! Also if you have to live in here, like me. 

Allright, that's about it for now, it's about time to drink my tea. 

Thank you for reading. 

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