woensdag 16 oktober 2024

Good evening at the 16th off October, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was a nice day, it wasn't too sunny, but it was warm enough to have a sit outside near the coi-carp pond. 


I decided to do more walks, simply because mental health adviced them to sleep better. They somewhat work. I feel more tired and I sleep longer when I walk a lot. I made some stunning, 'proud to be Dutch.' pictures, I like to show them on here: 

I made them in the touristic area off this town. All stunning pictures off monuments and national heritage. Made spread over several days off walking around. The last ones are from the Dutch cocoa factory, and the street where it's situated. I have the luck with the weather and the sunshine these days. It works out so pretty. It's almost unbelievable. Alongside the angle off my phone, the pictures off Zaandijk turn out really sweet. And walking around this place simply works. For my mind and body to sleep better. Otherwise I just sat on that chair, having coffee all day. And walking works against a troubled mind. It works to sort out stuff in my head. This weblog could help Dutch to feel proud off their country. I hope it somewhat makes them. 

Now, what do Dutch eat for dessert? 😉

A bowl off syrup waffle vla! Offcourse. I granted myself that, usually I only allow myself cheap vanilla, but I wanted something diffrent for once in a while. So syrup waffle it is. 

It's important to feel proud off our country these days. It's war, times are difficult, and people do hard. I feel we should feel connected to our country. I think it's not legid for the extreme right wing in politics to have claimed it. It's something bigger. I  myself also feel connected to the antiques. Simply indulging in national pride this entire crisis long. I don't know if it's right or wrong, but Dutch pride is not a bad thing. Maybe it fades after all off this is done. Who knows? It's just that there's a proud farm lady in my head, een trotse boerin, Proud off her heritage. Like a lot off people here. I wish they would not mess with this country. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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