woensdag 23 oktober 2024

Good morning at the 23th off October, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's still too dark outside to see the weather. 


I'm writing this weblog while my nails dry. I painted them 'but first Toffee.' by Essence. 

I'm taking over a lot off coffee shifts this week. My colleague is on a vacation, and I took more than half her shifts. It's quite a lot, given that usually I only work one shift a week, officially. But last month I took over from a sick colleague, which made two a week, and this week it's four a week. It's quite a lot. I can't work, officially, and these coffee shifts are tiring and I'm not that stable as a person, but my nice side wanted to cover up for my colleagues. So I helped them out for now. The lady who got sick returned, so I got free Fridays again. (She broke her wrist. I took over for a bit longer than a month for her.) I decided I purchased a cute hat from all that working. I purchased a straw hat on the internet. I think it's a cute and funny item for Summer. I don't earn that much. It's a bit more than 10 euro's a month for serving coffee for my regulair shifts. All the take overs are still counted- and I already purchased that hat. Maybe I should think like a common work person: You can only buy when you earned it. Not when you see it. I paid it from my payment account, but I believe I earned it back. The hat was on a discount. Including shipping costs, it's what I granted myself for these shifts. It's just a volunteer fee off 1 euro an hour. It's the participation and the working that counts. It's just that it almost feels like a regulair job with all those take over shifts. But it's allright for this moment. It's just that I can't work that on a steady base. So it's just a simple volunteer job for me. 

I think Ukraine is going to lose the war with Russia, and it will leave the West with loss off face. As far as this looks, it's as if Russia is going to win. But then I'm using my common sense and logic. They're too strong for Ukraine to beat. As far as I can see. It's the logic off the day to simply live by if the war develops itself like this. I think we won't come to their rescue. It's tragic, but it's what I feel will happen. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


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