zaterdag 7 september 2024

The 'Aquellium'.

 Good evening everyone, we're close to night. 

It's just that I had the idea short before bedtime to explain the Aquellium to you, the Pluto in Aquarius era we're passing. 

Aquarius is future and peace driven, but as far we can see, Pluto only comes with stuff we already know and war, it's the exact opposite off the Aquarius, and that can happen. Sometimes people are the exact opposite off their starsign, and I think this Aquarius to come with the old fashioned, is due to war. Appearently, when war occures, it became incredibly old fashioned and sober. Also due to lack off money, but it's something that stands out: The crave for the old fashioned. I believe it's the 'Aquellium.' As how I had it 'whispered in.' That causes it. And we will have to deal with it for the next 8 years at least. After that, it becomes a bit more modern, but Gothic. Not your average airy Aquarius style. Fashion will become dark, somber and Gothic. I swear. From a lipstick trend, to a serious 'It' hype for Barbie Gothic, as how I call the style. And I think the 'Aquellium.' will continue diffrently, since it's out off the usuall Aquarius style. But as far as I've seen, people who are an Aquarius, can be incredible cranks. Being all negative all the time. So, yes, Barbie Gothic. But it's more rich and decadent. 

I think the internet and people who are into Astrology are supposed to know, since it might make them wonder why Aquarius is so negative these days. It's because it's acting it's opposite. Extreme outcomes are less money, less improvement, war-driven and the crave for the old fashioned when it comes to style and fashion, and no improvement in entertainment and make-up. We will be a generation without true legendairy icons. These 10 years will end with a number one hit we heard time and time again by the Rolling Stones. And it's a bummer for the music industry. Namely 'Angie.'  Which will be 'The' hit for this decade. 

Most sergeants will tell you 'who the hell cares? It's war!' But it has a massive impact on youth, welfare and perceivement off these years. It's the most sober time since WWII, 

A time where we better be glad we can still live. Still eat, still dress, and sunshine on outside benches is free. Despite it will make us such poor idiots without a choice. And it draws us back to a minimum. Though it does to those without a safety net. But honest, Pluto in Aquarius does cause this, but it's an Aqualerium. Not the positive direction from the French Revolution, but more the negative side off it's opposite sides. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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