dinsdag 3 september 2024

Good evening at the 3th off September, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

It's rainy and fresh outside. It's preferable over summer heath. 


Prick service failed this morning, they will come back next week. My vains are pretty deep to prick. I have a very thick skin. Impossible for a basic blood pricker. It's pretty hard, we need those values asap, but it's such dense damp weather, and inside the homes it's like this, I should not over-act on it. Losing my temper means a lot off sweat. Not to my liking. 

I have been vreeting quite a lot lately. Actually, a bit much. But to cook is my hobby, and it's still fun. 'I wish everything was as easy as getting fat.' And I'm storing liquid. Female bodies can store liquid and become heavier when they do so. I'm going to see General Practice over it tomorrow. And my foods are so good these days. I cook healthy, but it's often a lot. And I do little. Not preferable when you fry eggs on carbohydrate meals all the time! (Macaroni and Nasi with the traditionally fried egg on top.) But it's so yummy that way! 


My macaroni is pretty good, it's tasty. 

Today was for a meal salad, but I have been snacking on candies and cookies these days, and I had strawberries for dessert. Two off these boxes: 

Two boxes off street fair strawberries, fresh and delicious. Just too perfect to resist. My food is waaay better than de Boed, where they stopped providing us meals each night, but which was far more sober. Maybe it's due to that that I started vreeting all off this. And I'm one off the few lucky people who can cook, and who can afford to cook meals. And the desserts... Vanilla vla and fruit yoghurt taste better when I purchase them myself somehow. At de Boed they became boring. Served here in my own bowls, it's delicious 

(A bowl off fresh strawberry yoghurt.) I'm a gratefull eater to myself. I have a dessert every night. Usually vla or an apple. But I gained 15 kilograms in a month. That's too much. I believe it's food, heath and storing liquid. I feel like a balloon every time I see myself. It's been pretty much. I love to enjoy life with good foods, but it's so incredibly hard when it makes me gain all that weight! It's a bit frightening it's been that much, I believe it's something to see a doctor over. I'm not pregnant, and I haven't changed medication. 

Previous Saturday I had haring, vegetable soup and French bread with cream cheese. 

And a bag off street fair prunes to finish that meal. It's been delicious. Maybe I should do more to loose kilograms. More excercise. But I can't set myself to that. It's not the food, it's pretty healthy foods, but maybe the amount off food I eat. And the lack off excercise. I have no job, and mainly I'm here or drink coffee at de Boed, or cuddle the neighbourhood cat near the koi-carp pond. This week, swimming starts again. It's just doubtfull that truly works to loose a lot off weight soon. So to say, tomorrow is for General Pracrice, and see what can be done about it and to see if there's something wrong. 

My food is great, it's something to share and to be proud off. (That's why I put pictures on here.) It's wholesome and healthy. And tasty. I love food, but I gained so much weight this month. That's a bit off a downer. I'm heavily obese. It's not hard to deal with, but it's uneasy. So let's see what General Practice can mean for me tomorrow. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading!     

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