zondag 8 september 2024

What are we supposed to do nowadays?

 Good morning everyone, 

It's still fresh outside from the night, I have my windows wide open so the room can cool ahead to a hot day. 


People might wonder what we should do nowadays, war, crisis, negativity- but honesty is, that I think people are not about to do it at all. I think most will not like to fight a war, but they won't fight the government either. 

I can't give advice on how to do it during a crisis. I'm not the right person to ask. I think cooking and having a tidy home will help me through. But I'm not an expert on war or crisis handling. I just think you should be capable to cover the massive costs off this crisis. I can't deny. You need a good job for this. And a work mentality. Or a place to stay with little costs. Like my care home. I don't have to owe up much. I just have to sit it out in here. 

I think to eat and to live go before all else nowadays. But that's my advice to the poor people. I can't help with mindset, since my own is wrecked allready and stressed. But I think we should postpone big plans, or cancel them if they don't fit in the long term. If they can't be done in the long term. It might be a bit sour, a life without kids for example, or a home you can't afford nowadays. But don't act stupid and act, and fall down on your face because you where thoughtless. Sometimes we have to take things and be strong. More strong than what was ever demanded off us before, but we have to. That's how life can work. 

And it's a long sit. Allow yourself to breathe every now and then and do a little luxury for yourself. Don't go overboard, but purchase those nice clothes every once in a while, and listen to good music along the road. I should not go too far on advice, I can't take that responsibility. I think you should furniture your home nicely and listen to the good old stuff to cope and make it through. Since it works when you're poor. Keep the thing tidy and homey, and be certain to have a hide out when you need it. It works for me. But that's all advice I can give. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.    


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