dinsdag 31 december 2024

Good evening at the 31st off December, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

It's already dark outside, and the fireworks are cracking like crazy. It's New Year's Eve in the Netherlands. 


Today wasn't spend in New Year's Eve best clothes. I have been a bit off crisis yeaterday, so it's unwashed and slobby old clothes. No sparkling eyeshadow like other New Year's eves- I'm the perfect slouch. 

Maybe I should treat it like it doesn't matter. This is psychiatric health care, there's a day after tomorrow. It's just a lame day like many, and tomorrow will be bliss for being washed and fed apropriate again. 

The good side: I got alcohol free white wine my mother gave me, and music TV. Perfect way to spend New Year's Eve. And the slouch should be gratefull she's got no party to go. It's just safe in. I feel like watching the fireworks at midnight from behind the window. I live on the first floor, it's a good sight. After all, it ain't so bad. It's cozy, and I had coffee at de Boed just a moment ago. It's where I got the idea for music TV from, simply for this evening. It almost felt like a party at de Boed with everyone there and the music on an entertainment show. And between you and me, I'm not the worst tramp there, so being a bit filthy did not matter. 

I hope prices won't become traumatic this year. In a vision I had, I saw them becoming traumatically high in ordinairy supermarkets. I have to take a deep breath and deal with it. But honestly, I can feel it in a painfull way. Poverty can be felt and is a trauma one can have for life. I mutter over the upcoming year a lot. Wondering how to come round next year if it stays this way. With a lot off luck and god's blessing I suppose then. I don't know how elsewise. My younger brothers have their birthday in June and October, but I purchased a gift and wrapping paper for them already, before it could get any more expensive to do so. It's barely doable for me. Just the art off thinking ahead helped me out. I'm proud I even have wrapping paper for it this year. It's not the most brilliant gifts, but they better accept. 

I'm glad I still got my home. I'm Schizophrenic and I'm still granted my care home. It's the smallest flat one can get, but everything is present. I got food, warmth and electricity and that's what I mean with a god's blessing. I'm not rich, I have to mind what I spend, but I'm granted the luxury off psychiatric health care, and clean, washed clothes on my body. And I was told I can stay here. Being mental has become my biggest blessing almost. Instead off a burden. It's why I'm in here to begin with. It's the word 'crisis.' that makes it diffrent. I'm not baling anymore I'm granted all this. 

Tomorrow I'll start the year with a period cure, to start up menstruation, so I'll start the year good. I'm getting all the symptoms, including female mood swings from it. I'm lucky I've been hoarding period cloth in the storage room. And that's how we start 2025, very much aware off my woman hood. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.      

maandag 30 december 2024

Good evening at the 30th off December, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

It's windy and stormy outside in the Netherlands. I hope y'all haven't been blown out off your socks. 


What to chase away the dark with? It's so dark and dreary, it's cold and stormy and sometimes thee's the ambience in this old fashioned town off a WWII movie. Foggy and sad as it feels. What to chase away the cold and the crankyness with? Sometimes I do an attempt with cooking, this week it's an attempt with chocolates. A large box off Celebrations for de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk/ 

I purchased that large box, it's been so incredibly pricey, it's traumatic, still I felt like granting these to de Boed. So we all had a chocolate with our afternoon coffee. And probably will have one again tomorrow, since it's such an incredible large box. 

Prices are almost intimidating. Still, I have that silly urge to give in me. The urge to give gifts. But I came to dislike it these days due to inflation. I just couldn't help myself and answer to that certain drive yesterday and buying them those chocolates. Simply to chase the worst dementors. It's almost as if someone has let them out from Azkaban to haunt Zaanstad during this day and age. It's sucking out all happiness from the surrounding, a little chocolate could help people get over with it a bit. It won't solve, it just brightens a coffee moment. 

But I think I won't do so anymore. They've gotten too expensive. I need to seek something else to brighten life with. But it's hard. Usually 'to brighten my day.' contains nice food in my case. A treat, a baking, something special for dinner. Just that little help to soften the gloom. 

Today was for a fried egg with ham and cheese on bread, simply because I felt too bad to cook cauliflower with boiled potatoes and a sausage. It's not too difficult, it's just that I feel too much hurt in my system to do so. It's strange how a big woman my size can feel so terribly weak. I feel it in my bones, even. Something painfull itched my sides today. I can't wash myself or cook to full potential. Just too bad. New Year's Eve is all ruined iff I feel that way tomorrow. Something to chase away the gloom with? I better seek a way to cope with this first... 

To keep it togheter is difficult. I spend the evening in with tea and some holiday wreaths. The way I eat them is almost healthy. I only eat two with a pot off green tea. It's the simple almond ones, as expensive as this crisis allows me. 

I spend my evening seperated from the world, in quiet peace. Except for the pain, it's not been too bad. I think I'm not going to like it when everything fun will become around 10 euro's. The box off chocolates was 7, I think if they got it high in their head, it will be around 10 during this crisis. I think I should make certain I own the base off living for that period. All the other is not important. I think most off us who can prepare, should prepare. It's not about money or not having money, it's about being certain you own items, and you have access to things you need. If you can't afford, you should have already have it. Items in the Netherlands can go with for a long time. We don't need to renew them all the time, or follow trends or fashion. If we own something, simply keep it clean and it can go with a few years. Furniture, clothes, kitchenware, standard, basic, every day items like scissors and nailclippers. Those sort off things we should already own. Fashion is not off importance during a big, fat crisis. Simply to wear clothes and brush your teeth is. I suggest you to invest in items that are either a bit timeless, or very much to your taste. So you won't mind to wear them for a longer period off time. And look for quality that lasts a while. I think you should have already done so. But if it's usefull to you nowadays, feel free to use my crisis tip. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

zaterdag 28 december 2024

Good morning at the 28th off December, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's still too dark to see the weather outside, I felt a bit too restless to still be in bed. 


You heard me saying I prefer natural shades and 90's nudes in make-up, simply to keep it agreeable to most, except when I'm working my coffee shift on Thursday morning, then it's for bright red statement lipstick. I prefer to go to work with bright red statement lipstick in this day and age. To make that anti-war statement, to feel invincible. And the elders agree, since they get it, (They know the meaning off it) and they say I look like Marilyn Monroe with it. Which I think is cute. It's appreciated, validated, and therefore agreed upon to wear it during work time. 

I wear Essence slim stick in Red Chili when I do so 

And this is what I look like when wearing it, I wear it with a hint off mascara: 

I'm still a bit drowsy in this picture, but my coffee shift starts early on. This is me with red statement lipstick on. It's almost bizarre how modern people re-started to see old fashioned Marilyn Monroe as a beauty icon nowadays. But that's probably with this entire era off old-fashionedness being back in fashion. I think development off the new is too expensive. But that's the idea it gives me. But yeah, volunteer coffee service is with red statement lipstick on my mouth. Despite looking drowsy when I do so, I make perfect coffee, still. I got complimented all the time by people and it's the least I can do for them: Making their coffee taste great for them in the morning.  

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

vrijdag 27 december 2024

Good afternoon at the 27th off December, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Outside is a thick fog which is fading. 


It's the day after Chtistmas, I was brought home by my family. It was a nice Christmas and I could feel they did their best on it. 

I have been photographing every cup off coffee or tea with a sweet treat siding it these days. I posted it on my Facebook. Christmas cookies, and the home made treats my stepdad made for these Christmas coffee and teas. My mom has nice  Christmas dishware and tablecloth that lend itself well for the scenery. I got a lot off Christmas wreaths pictured these days. 


My stepdad made the apple beignets, the Christmas cake and the apple dumpling. I enjoyed picturing them and posting them on my Facebook. It feels as if I've spammed my audience with these. It's nice when someone takes their kitchen job serious when it's Christmas, the dinners where also very good. I also pictured my stepdad's bundt cake when it came fresh out off the oven, and it came out perfectly. I already posted that picture, but let's re-do it. 

He dusted it off with icing sugar, and it was a good cake. I bake with more flavours than this, but you could taste his heartfelt effort and that's what makes this special. 

Pictures off our Christmas dinners: 

It was very cozy, it was really Christmas, my stepdad did his utmost best for the food, and it was really nice. I feel all warm and fuzzy due to it. So no nagging complaints from me today. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

woensdag 25 december 2024

Kerst 2024.

 Goedenavond iedereen, 

Ik wens jullie allemaal een fijne kerst. Dat is wel het minste wat ik kan doen, dus prettige kerstdagen. 

De dag verliep niet slecht, ik had best een goede kerstdag met een goede sfeer bij mijn familie thuis. Authentiek, sfeervol en er is moeite voor gedaan. Je voelt het aan alles. Dit is heel prettig. 

De man van mijn moeder is zich echt aan het uitsloven in de keuken, dus het eten is erg lekker. 

Hij heeft bijvoorbeeld deze tulband voor onze koffie gemaakt met kerst. Bestoven met poedersuiker was hij erg lekker. En ze hebben allebei hun best gedaan op het kerstdiner. Het eten en de sfeer zijn gewoon te goed tijdens deze Antico- kerst. Dus van mij geen gezeur. Ik ben gewoon tevreden vandaag, dus ja, vrede op aarde, genieten van zelfgemaakt eten, en de top-sfeer als ze hier hun hart in de kerstsfeer leggen. 

Bedankt voor het lezen! 

dinsdag 24 december 2024

Crisis tips.

 Goedemiddag iedereen, 

Er is geen geld genoeg meer voor de betere sport- evenementen, en de echte top prestaties zijn dan ook uitgebleven op de Olympische spelen dit jaar. Ik denk dat dat is omdat atleten bagger slecht betaald worden voor wat ze doen. Als de Olympische Spelen liefde- oud papier werk word, dan is het logisch dat ze niet presteren zoals het hoort. Ik vind dat atleten beter betaald moeten worden, want zoals afgelopen jaar hebben we voornamelijk kunnen zien dat Parijs een deftige, mooie oude stad is, terwijl de atleten uitgebuit zijn. 

Er is ook geen geld genoeg meer voor de Grand Prix in Zandvoort. Omdat de auto's te duur zijn geworden. Ik zie al voor me dat ze het naar de oude, steenrijke adel in Oostenrijk gaan verplaatsen omdat die net aan genoeg geld hebben voor de Formule 1, en dat het RedBull Salzbury gaat worden. Vulgair als dat eigenlijk is. Maar adel schijnt gek te zijn op Formule 1, en er ook geld voor te willen neertellen. Dus Formule 1 Oostenrijk. Gefinancierd door steenrijke oude Europese adel, en al het andere heeft er gewoon geen geld meer voor. Dan word Wenen, decadent als het is, de IT-stad in 2026. Ik zie het al helemaal voor me dat tijdschriften en modewatchers daar op af gaan komen. Ouderwets chique en goedkoop vernuft als het tegenwoordig is. 

We moeten toch wat doen om ons nog een beetje rijk te voelen. Gelukkig heeft Europa een rijke, historische geschiedenis met pracht en praal. Dus als ze willen kunnen ze daar uit putten, en zijn ze nog wel een tijdje zoet. Maar ik verwacht niet dat het moderner word dan zoiets. Daar is simpelweg geen geld voor tegenwoordig. 

Zie je, als je wil kun je met een beetje goede wil alles over-conserveren waardoor je er niet veel geld meer aan uit hoeft te geven. Als mensen gnoeven over koffie en brood, dan is er niks mis mee. En in Nederland is het onder gewone oudere mensen de gewoonte om lang met spullen te doen. Neem een voorbeeld aan je grootouders en je moeder, en ga zuinig met je goede spullen om. 

Inplaats van gadgets verzamelen, zou je ook kunnen gaan wandelen in de omgeving, en mooie foto's kunnen gaan maken van al wat je daar ziet. Koop die prullen niet meer! Want ze vreten geld. Gewoon met de camera van je telefoon foto's maken bij knap weer is ook een leuke hobby. Zeker als je in een oude stad woont, of in de buurt van een mooi natuur gebied is dat leuk. Ik ben al een tijd bezig Zaandijk op de foto te zetten. Ik heb ook niet veel geld. Dus geld vretende prullen heb ik me nooit kunnen en willen veroorloven. Weet je wat ik wel heb? Gewassen kleding, en schone tanden. Dat is nu even belangrijker dan die stomme dure gadgets en spulletjes die ze ons overal willen aansmeren en die nog geen half jaar in de mode zijn. Weg met die onzin! Het is crisis, we moeten en kunnen zonder. Zolang we maar geld hebben voor hutspot en brood. 

Doe met je prullen desnoods aan cult, en ga ze onderling jaren ruilen zoals je ze had en nu hebt. Dan stagneert het vervaardigen in de fabrieken maar, dat interesseert me nu niet. We hebben geen geld voor nieuw en beter, we moeten aan de basis van ons leven denken. Dat is veel belangrijker. Als een crisis-Henk het met spullen van de zolder van zijn oma of moeder moet doen, dan moet hij gewoon afscheid nemen van zijn woedde tot het verzamelen van dure prullen. Of als je beeldjes hebt, zou ik een paar items neerzetten waar je aan gehecht bent, die je altijd leuk vind, daar de blikvangers van maken, en niet meer uitbouwen. Want er is gewoon geen geld meer voor. Het is nu meer dan ooit nodig geweest om zwaar te consuminderen om rond te kunnen komen. Schep sfeer met minder, en zorg dat het items zijn waar je een tijd mee kunt doen en toe kunt. Maak waardevol wat je hebt. En doe er zuinig mee. 

Ik hoop dat je er wat aan hebt, 

Dank je wel voor het luisteren!   

Basisbehoeften die we moeten blijven vervullen.

 Goedemorgen aan iedereen die leest. 

Ik zal de essentie van mijn blog van gisteren herhalen, maar dan in het Nederlands zodat meer mensen het begrijpen: 

We leven in oorlog en zware crisis, maar we moeten niet vergeten dat we mensen zijn met basis behoeften, en dat die vóór moeten gaan. Ik heb het niet over seks, maar over eten, hygiëne en warme kleding. 

Ik zie nog te veel om me heen dat mensen verslonzen en zichzelf verwaarlozen uit zware armoede. Maar dat moeten we dus niet gaan doen. We kunnen beter uitgaan en evenementen skippen dan dat we onszelf gaan verwaarlozen. Dat moeten we niet doen. Het is duur, maar jezelf verzorgen moet. 

We hebben die spullen nodig, dus dan moet je bezuinigen op andere luxe. De gewone spullen, zoals serviesgoed, kleding en meubels zijn in Nederland van hoogstaande kwaliteit genoeg om er lang mee toe te kunnen. Als het goed is kun je daar een paar jaar mee toe, waardoor het minder kost. Je moet het alleen wel schoon houden. Het huismerk van de supermarkt aan schoonmaakproducten volstaat. Ook dat is door de EU regels gekomen, en is in Nederland op de markt. Dus het is goed genoeg om het huis schoon mee te houden. Iedere week kleding wassen, het toilet verschonen en geregeld de afwas doen en stofzuigen en de vloer dweilen zijn echte musts en de grote basis van de hygiene. Ook tijdens een zware crisis! 

En we moeten eten, het mag niet duur, maar ik wil voedzaam eten. Dus ik eet verse groenten. Later kan ik met andere eet-snobs gaan opscheppen dat ik 'tijdens de oorlog.' verse groenten en fruit at. Want buiten dat kent de Zaanstreek eigenlijk geen luxe. Ik eet dus goede groenten, aardappelen en vlees. Of iets anders wat binnen mijn bereik ligt, en wat tamelijk gezond is. Ons lijf heeft het nodig. Net als brood en gezonde melk. We zijn dieren met een skelet en botten, en die hebben melk nodig om ons gezond te houden. Ik eet meestal het brood van 99 cent, duurder lukt niet, maar ik eet brood. Ik denk dat heel Zaanstad dat goedkope brood eet. En ik eet vers fruit. Ook omdat ik dat nodig heb, en als ik er aan kan komen, verse eieren. Omdat mijn lichaam moet functioneren. Het is duur, maar te ongezond eten zie ik niet zitten. En al helemaal niet tijdens een crisis. Ik wil dit overleven! Dus ja, gewoon gezond eten. Voor prijzen die ik ervoor durf neer te tellen. Het is geen hyper, overdreven bijzonder eten. maar gewoon de lekkere, eenvoudige boeren keuken die ik probeer te maken. Om de juiste voedingsstoffen binnen te krijgen. Want dat is belangrijk. Meer dan dat kan ik ook qua mentale gezondheid soms niet opbrengen, maar meestal is wat ik maak eenvoudig en gezond. 

We hoeven geen it-girls te zijn tegenwoordig, maar verzorgd is zeker een must. Het maakt niet uit of je oude kleding niet meer hip is, als het maar schoon en gewassen is. En je lijf en je haar moet je ook schoon houden. Net als je nagels knippen en vijlen en je wenkbrauwen epileren als je een vrouw bent. Lippenstift is geen vereiste, een nagelknipper wel. Net als vijlen. En handzeep. Nagellak hoeft niet, als je handen maar hygiënisch zijn. We hoeven niet eens onze wenkbrauwen in te tekenen, als ze maar niet verslonst zijn. Een wenkbrauw razor kan ook, als je moeilijk te epileren wenkbrauwen hebt, maar zorg voor nette wenkbrauwen! Je word er een vrouw van. En als je Gilette scheermesjes nodig hebt, dan moet dat ook maar even. (Iedereen weet dat die mannen scheermesjes beter werken dan de vrouwen variant, en dat Gilette Blue de beste zijn.) Het is een must have voor iedere zomer. 

Als je geen kapsel kunt veroorloven, kun je de kapper vragen of er ook puntjes geknipt kunnen worden. Je haar bijpunten. Voor de hygiene zou je dat echt voor jezelf over moeten hebben. Iets van één of twee keer in het jaar. Je hoeft echt geen kapsel, maar wel gezond geknipt haar. Voor gezond haar is wassen, conditioner, borstelen en gezond knippen echt een vereiste. 

Om gaatjes niet dicht te laten groeien, kun je beter simpele basic oorbellen gaan dragen. Oorbel gaatjes groeien na een tijdje dicht als je er niks in doet, en daar ga je spijt van krijgen. Ik kan je aanraden om goedkoop oorbellen te zoeken, en ze heel subtiel te dragen. 

Wat ik hier boven beschreven heb, is simpelweg de basis van onze menselijke waardigheid. En als je het niet doet verdien je een trap onder je hol. Juist in deze tijd is het belangrijk om er een beetje knap bij te zitten. Investeer in spullen die lang mee gaan, ook qua stijl, maar hou het wel schoon, en durf daar geld aan uit te geven. Het huismerk van de supermarkt is goed genoeg voor schoonmaak producten. 

We zijn mensen, GEEN vieze varkens. En jezelf waardig houden, is de oorlog winnen. 

Dank je wel voor het lezen! 



maandag 23 december 2024

Mensen die jaloers dreigen te worden...

 Goedenavond, iedereen. 

Vandaag is het bijna kerst. Ik zit bij mijn familie thuis. Ik heb sober aan gedaan deze kerst, en toch ben ik soms bang dat wat ik wel gedaan heb mensen op de kast kan jagen van de jaloezie. 

Ik eet niet culinair hoogstaand, maar ik eet nog tamelijk gezond. Ik vind het belangrijk om gezond te eten. Moet je opletten, dan kan ik later met andere eet-snobs opscheppen dat ik 'tijdens de oorlog.' verse groente en fruit te eten had, want meer luxe hebben we in Zaanstad niet. Het is er zo arm als een kerkrat. Het grootste gedeelte van de mensen waar ik mee omga zijn mede cliënten, en die zijn niet rijk. En gewone Zaankanters leven ook veelal onder de armoedegrens. Ik vind mezelf niet luxe leven, maar ik denk dat ik gezeur kan gaan krijgen van mensen die jaloers op me zijn of worden als het zo doorgaat. 

Ik ben geneigd de laatste tijd mijn leven en eten wat meer op de kiek te zetten op facebook, als ik het terug zie heb ik zoiets van 'Ik schaam me dood voor de armoe die het uitstraalt.' Maar ik vergelijk deze tijd nog te veel met de vorige, en ik heb weinig zicht op de crisis. Ik heb geen idee of je een bord aardappelen, groente en vlees op internet kunt tonen zonder dat mensen jaloers worden. Of boterhammen, of tosti's. Dat is ongeveer wat ik doe. Oh ja, en de ochtend koffie. Ik weet niet of mensen daar tegen kunnen. Vroeger was het geen enkel probleem. Toen straalde dit echt van de stinkende armoe. Tegenwoordig weet ik het niet meer. Als het niet zo duur was zou ik het zelf misschien wel niet op de kiek zetten.

Ik weet niet wat gepast is onder gewone mensen. Mijn familie kan alles nog, en is vrij riant. Maar de gemiddelde crisis-Henk zal wel een probleem met me hebben. Of gaan krijgen. Ik vind mezelf af en toe een beetje onder aanvaardbaar gemiddeld met wat ik doe. Vroeger.... Vroegah, toen je nog niet doodgemaakt werd om hutspot of een gehaktbal... 

De ervaring is alleen wel dat geen hond naar het onder aanvaardbaar gewone gemiddelde kijkt. De mensen zijn niet echt geïntereseerd, en het krijgt weinig likes. Maar het krijgt ook geen negatief commentaar. Ik weet het dus niet. Ik denk dat het niet echt erg is. Misschien gewoon een beetje irritant. Het maakt wat onzeker. Vroeger was dit het onder aanvaardbaar gemiddelde. Tegenwoordig heeft niemand het meer. Dat wil zeggen, de werkloze mede cliënt die ik spreek. Wij zijn arm. Om mensen er dan de ogen mee uit te steken, is een beetje erg smakeloos. Maar dat is niet de bedoeling. 

Ik zelf ben ook niet rijk. Ik heb het nog net aan, maar misschien ben ik wel een beetje erg op (duur) eten gefixeerd. Dat verraad een beetje dat ik zelf niet zo rijk ben. Het is een beetje smakeloos van me om het te proberen, mensen jaloers maken met eten en koffie. 

Misschien moet ik er later op terug komen. Het is nu nog te veel crisis voor een conclusie. Ik doe geen gekke dingen, dat staan mijn eigen geld en gezondheid niet toe. Ik hoop alleen dat ik er geen gezeik mee krijg. 

Oké, dat was het. 

Dank jullie wel voor het lezen. 


Good evening at the 23th off December, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was cold and dreary, changing with bright episodes. But it was mainly dark. 


In this day and age, we should keep in mind we need to survive, and maintain good health and hygiene. 

Even tough prices are increasing through the roof, up to the moon and beyond, we should keep in mind we're human beings with basic, every day needs. I don't mean sex, but food, clothes and hygiene. Yes, during a wartime it can get that nasty for people. 

We don't have to look like fabulous it-girls, but a good clean and groomed nails and eyebrows are simply basic. Just like a whole coat and warm clothes. 

If we need to skip things, we need to. If we need to conserve items, we need to. If we need to wash them and maintain good cleanliness, we also need to, and we should have it in order to purchase laundry wash and other basics. It's one thing to be poor, it's the other to stink it like a baboon. Maybe you can get free stuff for basic hygiene at the place where you live, if you need to. I don't, I have everything on stock. But I wish people would not kill me for the recomendation to stay clean and basically groomed and fed during war-time. I hope that's not asked too much off a person. 

Lipstick is no basic need, a nail clipper and good files are. (And their duration is longer, if you do it wel.) Just like a pincet to pluck eyebrows. Or eyebrow razors. We don't need to draw them in all the time if we don't have that money, as long as they're plucked, and our nails are hygienic clean cut and groomed. (If you think off yourself as a woman.) And if haircuts are too expensive, ask the hairdresser if they would cut death ends and do so every once or twice a year. Just for hygiene sake. You don't need to be brilliantly cut and dyed, but cleaned, conditioned, clean cut and brushed are basic for female hair.  

And please, try to eat wholesome foods if you can lay hands on it. Fresh vegetables and bread have the preference over luxurious items and going out to clubs or events even, if we need to feed ourselves. And we should drink dairy. So milk with your breakfast if you can. (If you allow me to say so.) We're human beings with skeletons and bones which need the dairy and the protein. 

I personally agree in purchasing everyday cleaner for the floor and the toilet if prices are high, and dish soap. We are humans, we need to stay clean. We can't do without. I think the cheap house brand off cleaners is just as fine as the brands. Or cheaper. (The EU has high standards for products. On most stuff you can depend, or it would not have hit the market. At least I assume that.) As long as we do those chores. Feel free to skip subscriptions to magazines or TV channels, as long as you don't skip on cleaning the toilet or doing the dishes and washing your clothes weekly! We need to survive this, not die due to bad hygiene or pig-like behaviour. We should keep a hold on ourselves. Food, hygiene, warmth. And do store items for the long term, since it works. Remember, we don't need to be it-girls, but we need to wear clothes. Even if that means it's something from five seasons sgo. It doesn't matter during this filthy war. The EU has good standards for clothes and things like furniture and dishes. We don't need to purchase new all the time, but we need to clean them, and we should allow ourselves to buy stuff like dish wash and other soaps, and skip money on things that are NOT a basic need. If you can keep a hold on yourself, and conserve yourself that way, you can survive a long time. And you will survive this war. We're humans, NOT pigs. And we need this talk to keep a hold on ourselves. Otherwise we would go too much downward. 

Last thing: I invested money in some basic, everyday earrings like hoops and cheap studds, simply not to let the holes in my ears grow closed. Earrings are beyond the moon, but I'd suggest you cheap studds to keep the holes open so you won't regret later on. If you have these. I know in daily life you look a bit foolish with earrings nowadays since barely anyone still wears them, but for my pride, I wear them every often. Despite it's the timeless basics I got these days. Just silver knobs are enough, but please, don't let them go close. It's not the day and age for flaunty pieces, except if you are old enough to still remember the 80's, then we forgive you for your statement pieces if you can't do without. But nowadays is more for standard basics (Cheap enough) not to let the holes grow close, since we will see better days for jewelry in the future.  

Prices are beyond the moon, but we, ourselves and our standard well-being is most important to keep in mind. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


vrijdag 20 december 2024

Good morning at the 20th off December, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's windy and cold outside this morning. But it's still too dark outside to see it clear. 


It may sound kinda weird, but I purchased a few emergency lights. Lights that work on batteries, and a battery charged torch, and an emergency radio. It's been quite the costs. But what will happen, if they come with the rule all lights have to be off after 21.00 to safe money? We're meddling with the Russians and the energy bill they demand from us. It's a good idea to be prepared, and own a few emergency lights. It's been kinda an expensive joke if it doesn't happen, but I'm prepared for that stage, where it gets really dark at night, and Europe can't afford it's energy bills the normal way anymore. 

I should find an ancient hobby for such nights. Just battery light is not enough. My hobby is mainly being on the computer and listening to old music and social media. Posting foto's and so on. I should be mentally prepared for that stage. No internet, no energy, no light- nothing. I have to think ahead to that stage. No energy means no fridge and oven. And at midnight when I can't sleep it's bad. If I don't want to vreet like a pig, I better look for something usefull to do at night when they're meddling with the energy bill again. 

I think next year will be crisis. It's no peace yet, and prices will be increasing. I'm at a place where I'm wondering how I will do it next year. Just like this one, just a little more robbed. I think they will do an early Easter again this year. Like when it's not really around the full moon. It's messed with, but I can't explain yet. Still I think they will do that this year. And Christian church is NOT pleased with it later on. Still we have to take it next year. That's all I think will happen. But I'm not certain. 

I think Mark Rutte has something with Easter. It's never been as big and commercial as under his reign, and it's been a thing among the wealthy to do fancy dinners during Pentecost and Ascension day either. Not with the decoration, but with aspargus and white wine, offcourse. I think Mark Rutte is fond off Easter. Simply to early it is a bit off a pet peeve now he's high up in the NATO during the war-period. 

And I think Easter chocolates are getting unaffordably expensive this year. I think people should quit smoking this year. If they do. 

If I was a common household, I would invest in emergency lights working on batteries, and make sure it's charged when you need it. At this moment, the prices are not sky rocketing for it. It's expensive, but it's not insane yet. 

So yeah, in the year when Saturn and Neptune are moving to Aries, we're still at war. This spring is for a war- Easter. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

donderdag 19 december 2024

Good evening at the 19th off December, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was cold, dark and dreary in the Netherlands. Kinda a saddening day. 


This morning was for coffee service at de Boed, a small community centre in Zaandijk, the Netherlands. And I made their morning by making them perfect fresh coffee. I know I kinda brag, but my coffee is good. I can only do so once a week. I jumped in when other coffee ladies where sick or on vacation, but I overworked myself a little, so I decided I only stick at once a week these days. 

Just like stopping swimming, I quit it for this month, but I heard transport to the swimming pool is cut back due to costs, so swimming stops next year. I have my depressed winter period, so I stopped it for this month, I feel too bad to do too much. But next year it entirely ends. The swimming van is cut due to costs. I don't like it. 

This afternoon was for taking it easy after coffee service, by having tea at home and preparing baked apples. Very easy, simply peeled and cut, with some sugar and cinnamon into the oven. 

Preparing apples is almost therapeutic, Apple- Therapy (That doesn't involve Iphones.😉)  But peeling and cutting fresh apples. It's diffrent than potatoes, they also need peeling and cutting, but fresh apples are always kinda very promising to prepare. The result off the baking is often such a delight. (These where baked at 180 degrees celsius for an hour. I used brown cane sugar instead off common white sugar. The result is more tart tasting fruit.) And honest, I had nothing better to do but to do one off my favourite 'Prepare and wait for an hour' methods. 

I think I personally treat foods more like a foreigner nowadays, with more respect for the expensive ingredients, which means respectfull yet clean photography off simple yet tasty foods. I think old fashioned people from abroad also did so. It's something that's became a bit out off style in Dutch, vreting everything like we did for a while. I think these apples are expensive enough to flaunt a bit with. Everything in moderation and with respect. I prefer wholesome foods over empty calories, so yeah, it can happen it's quite a price these days. So take it like a French or an Italian, or Spanish and treat them with delightfull respect. 

Apples are perfect to chase away the worst gloom on a dreary December day. The smell and the job to prepare them helped me to sort thoughts out. I'm in the living room with a pot off green tea in front off me. I wonder if I get by next year. Small, ordinairy, daily life and small pleasures, Small But Certain Hapiness, like some called it some time ago- are off my interest, and have my preference these days. I feel kinda homebound, so hour long cooking and simple things like tea or showering and a night off good sleep. I feel like such a hermit. But I need that. I loyaly do my house chores, so it's clean in here. And it's all I can take. I don't mind if the only people I meet are in here during daytime. It's almost like a fortress against time, this care home I'm in. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

zondag 15 december 2024

Good morning at the 15th off December, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's still dark, but it promises to become just as dark and dreary as yesterday. 


If you can't afford restaurants anymore, or if you are a bit off a hermit, I can recommend you to furniture your dining spot the style off an old restaurant. So you can have it at home. Pubfood at it's finest, in your own affordable pub. I had my table second hand at the old upcycling where I used to work, and the chair is a shabby old art off charity from Leviaan. Combined with my dining plates, it gives the impression off a classy yet shabby restaurant these days. At least that's what I like to pretend. Furniture for it can be second hand. That would even more adjust to your ambiance. 

I can't serve a large glass off Guiness with everything, since I'm on medication. but I can play the Dubliners or Clannad, and it's not so tough to eat on a budget that way. I think Irish folk is perfect to keep spirits a bit uplifted these days. It's fun without being vulgair or obscene. And it sells kinda cheap at Bol.com. (It's around 10 to 12 euro's for a new CD if you mention fast enough.) But it's a bit dreer, a pub with no beer. But I have to roll with it. It's either a bit snobby, or very nice to own something that can pass for a home restaurant. If you keep the place clean, it's picture worthit for the internet, even. If you have your own place, it's really reccomendable to make a home restaurant out off your dining spot. So it's not a crime anymore to stay in at friday night. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 



zaterdag 14 december 2024

Good evening at the 14th off December, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today has been kinda dreary and sober. It's been dark and cold. 


I feel like making a figure out off myself with my fancy plates and my sober style off food. I need to be sober due to price increasement, and it looks simple and too ordinairy for what I put on these plates. I have a sarcastic voice in my head: 'It's like telling people the snobby way you're poor.' It's a bit vulgair, and it probably makes them snicker about my style on these plates. 

Hopefully there will be days when I can afford better, with more fancy ingredients on them, and really showing them off what I'm actually made off in the kitchen. Nowadays it's what I can afford. I'm afraid it is what it is these days. Not because I'm talentless, it's because I'm getting poorer day by day due to price increasement. People think I brag about everything too loud. There was a time when I cooked more fancy dishes, with perfect ingredients- it was my pride. 

And due to sickness, I keep it simple. Because it's work. If I don't feel well, I can't cook as fantastico as I would like to. When my head hurts, I prefer the simple cleanliness and affordability off Dutch kitchen because it's healthy, cheap and easy. I have to prepare food and clean the kitchen afterwards. And there is a certain pride in the antiques nowadays. If you believe in it. What's more pride than this when prepared well? But yeah, the snobby way off showing everyone you're poor when you can't afford better at the moment. Tonight was for garden pea stamp, with meatballs from the stamp bible. 

 Prices are sky rocketing, and I already found this expensive, but it's a well-prepared, serious meal from a cookbook. And the ingredients where expensive. But it tasted delicious for it's kind. 

I can't afford new dishware, it will stay this fancy the entire crisis long. I think I kinda make a stupid impression with it this way. It was cool some time ago, before it was too fancy fashion. Nowadays I look like a poor snob. A poor snob with fresh vegetables on the table, But nevertless, a bit sad. 

Sometimes I think I make the poor people jealouse, and the rich people laugh their ass off. I'm getting in the category 'Better be glad there is food on the table, at all.' with these supermarket prices. Though I picked a bit off a wrong style ahead to this. I just love the old fashioned delicate, it's just that it has became such a thing right now. In my ideal world, it would just have been a ghost from the past I follow, and no one would have batted an eye. It's just during this crisis, it's wrong. I love the antiques, but it's such a stupid pressure these days due to Ukraine. I just can't afford new stuff. I have to sit this out this way. Being as poor as the streetbricks with my expensive, ordinairy meals on fancy dining plates. Almost like I have to swallow the English countryside. And my old idea off cool wealth is smudged in my face in a nasty way. It's based on classic English romance and the old fashioned. Back in the days where people where free and rich enough to pick styles, I did not pick the most brilliant style for current times. It's so loaded. I hope I get away with this. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  


donderdag 12 december 2024

Good morning at the 12th off December, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's still too dark outside to see the weather, but I feel it's pretty cold. 


I'm typing you this while my nailpolish dries. I got the shiny pearl white from the Essence advent calendar on my nails, with a little Essence gel top coat. I'm also wearing a subtle hint off make-up. I had unpacked so many items from the advent calendars, I felt like it. It's just a bit off concealer, under eye brightner, mascara, lipliner and lipstick from the Catrice advent calendar. (The nude ones) And I look nice. Good enough for a morning off coffee service. It's diffrent than how it was back in the days, when it could never be enough make-up. Now it really stands out I'm wearing some to begin with. I keep on comparing this era with the previous one, and I can't help it. It's became just too bad not to mention, and often I find myself in negative suprise about it. 'But that's not how it was, are you serious?' Something in me still isn't used to it. And my mind stresses all the time over the whole situation. 

I know I kept my own home an oasis off old fashioned, timeless comfort and small luxury. And I feel I haven't gone backwards so much. But if you see other people... but it's merely due to not to wear too much make-up to begin with, and playing it softer than most people my age have done. I have never been rich in my entire life, but if I compare my lifestyle to the big crisis victims.... I think I did well in picking good old comfort and old fashioned luxury. And to be simple with style. It's a few tricks in the book not to look poor when you actually are. I can't help it. Just concealer and mascara for an eyelook is very simple. Sided with a good nude lipstick. But nowadays, most women look too ratshet. And I stopped dying my hair, but using shine shampoo and good conditioner and it still looks fresh and healthy enough. I'm a brunette with a blonde sheer in her hair, so I get away with natural hair. Simply by keeping it fresh and cut. See, a few tricks in the book not to look too poor when you actually are. 

Maybe I should share them, so poor people can get a bit more off a hold on themselves before this gets out off hand. But maybe it's too late already. Tons off people have befallen victim to this crisis. Not capable to maintain a wealthy style. Maybe I should keep these tricks for myself. Most people don't want to hear a pointed finger from me. Thinking I'm just obnoxious with my advice. But I feel like I haven't befallen a victim to the crisis as much as they have. And my wealth comes from hoarding ahead, thinking and acting ahead. It can't he done if you current situation is too low. You need enough wealth in advance to withstand a wealthy lifestyle for a time period afterward, you need to be conserving, sober and wise with it. A little like how Old Money often does it. Sober and simple, yet luxurious enough to leek wealthy. That's how I could describe it. Adapted to a low budget, it takes an iron will and saving. Picking the right choices in how you care for yourself, and then go with it. And for me it works perfectly. I never looked poorer than working class on a governmental wage. See, timeless sobriety goes a long way.  

I wanted to keep a face when everything was still cheap enough for everyone to be luxurious. When I do now, they think I'm the richest girl on the block with what I do. I hope it floats long enough not to let me sink. Back in my depression era, my clothes just looked a bit better. dark and grungy, yet cool. These can pass as clean and functional. But most people think that's fine enough already. 

So, I don't really see myself as a crisis victim. I never had that much, but my lifestyle stayed somewhat the same, and I still got everything. Ordinairy people have become such victims. I never had much money, but I do pass by. I

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 



dinsdag 3 december 2024

Good morning at the 3th off December, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's still too dark to see the weather outside. 


It's early in the morning, I can't catch sleep anymore. I should make myself some tea. I haven't opened the advent calendars for today yet. But I love them. I love advent calendars. It's a bit cold and it's promising to rain today. I can hear rain and wind from the inside this morning. Yeah, we should definetely start this morning with a pot off tea. 😄 Green is to my preference. 

Today is for refreshing my haircut. I'm going to the hairdresser to let it cut for 7,50 euro's only, since It's a volunteer Leviaan hairdresser. I know you should not expect much from only 7,50 a haircut, but she does that one retro 00's haircut everyone craves at the moment. Layers on the front, and smewhat above shoulder length if I ask. If I dye dirty blonde, I'm totally 'it.' with it at the moment. Boring as it might have been some time before. And she's an official at Amsterdam Bijenkorf. A very expensive warehouse in Amsterdam. Since she believes in god, she does volunteer work for us, the poor and sick at Leviaan, Out off charity and love off god she loves to help us get haircuts and beauty treatments. She's wonderfull and she's very nice. So, I got something a common person would pay easily 50 euro's for nowadays. A fresh, fashionable haircut. 

I got my tea in front off me. I had my favourite brand on a discount two weeks ago, so I hoarded some boxes. (Clipper green tea. Usually it's overpriced, but it was 2 euro's a box recently.) I believe in the benefits off green tea, so it's been worthit to hoard. I think I will dye my hair tonight after she cut. So it's all nice for December. 

Today is also for doing laundry. With laundry wash from the storage room. I have been hoarding a few boxes on Black Friday discounts. The rest off the year, it was over-priced. Maybe an idea if you're into the brands, to look it up on massive Black Friday discounts. I feel more at ease when my storage room is filled appropriately. Especially during these expensive years. And it's offcourse the number one brand and laundry softner I wash with. Some people spend tons on fireworks, I rather keep my household in good order. And I don't have much other hobbies, or places to go. Or people to take care off. So yeah, good brands, still during the crisis. And fresh vegetables. Honestly, I can see myself bragging over eating fresh vegetables and using Robijn laundry wash during the crisis with other snobs later on. That's probably been the biggest luxury we could afford nowadays. Others smoke and go on vacations, I can sit this out like a princess. Storage rooms and stocks? Never under estimate! And I love the practical thinking health care staff that helps me organize my storage room. It's very easy to get things out off it. During these times, it's even more priceless. I love how I thought ahead when I had hoarding stuff as a strange hobby. 'But what if times are getting troubled, and I need an extra box off body or laundry wash?' So I filled it when it was still more cheap. It came to use this year. 'See, you never know when times get troubled, you need it and you wish you had it.' And I was right. Where others struggle with buying these products nowadays, I hoarded them ahead. And I smell all fresh and clean due to it. Care staff almost fought with me over filling my storage room like a hoarder, but I don't do so anymore during these days and it's fine with them now. I pull at a very long end with this. I even got Always women's period cloth on stock. 

It saves so much money, and I'm guaranteed to stay fresh. It's been one off the better ideas I got. I can recomend everyone to hoard such a storage room once they get the chance. And buy items on stock once prices are low again. Since you never know what might happen. It's off perfect use during a crisis.  

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  



maandag 2 december 2024

Good evening at the 2nd off December, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today has been cold and rainy in the Netherlands. 


I think, when someone looks at my foods later on, they might think I was a little home bound, since a lot off my receipes take a long waiting time. But that's just a thought. A buisy woman with an average job, social obligations, and kids could never set herself to stewing pears for 3 hours straight, or even let a pot off vegetable soup pruttle for a full hour. It's really something I would do when I have little on hand, and a lot off time on hand. I have little to do, and seas off time for my food. I would not bat an eye over one hour off '...' waiting in the oven, or to let pruttle for something. Cake usually takes at least an hour in the oven. That's probably it with not having a job. So, yeah, when someone would look back on me, they might think I was a little too home bound with all those receipes with a pretty long preparing time. 

Today I had a little help with a fresh oven dish. Health care helped me cut and peel vegetables. I'm having a hard time, but that way I could prepare something healthy instead off ordering pizza again. It was a red cabage oven dish. Old fashioned and delicious. 

Someone a little home bound with time on their hands (Read: Unemployed with a hobby) would prepare this. It's a little moist, but it was delicious. Except for storing groceries and having coffee at home, I did not much. I have suffered a terrible headache this morning and afternoon which took most off my time. And I took a small walk around the neighbourhood in between rainshowers. I have the luck my style off cooking is not too unhealthy. I decided next week I will let home made meatballs pruttle for an hour. If I have the power and the energy for it. Cooking requires mental strength. Maybe I should opt for having a plan B on hand, when too difficult is not possible. Simple meat, and pre-cut vegetables. I'm thinking off preparing string beans with bacon stripes and onions for this weekend. De Boed has taught me to like bacon stripes and onions with some vegetables, but I found out bacon stripes have become pricey. It's when I have some money left for it by the end off the week. This week is for ordinairy cooked Brussle sprouts. They're delicious with bacon stripes and onions, but due to price increasement, they're nothing too fancy. fried bacon stripes and onions are taught to me by de Boed, not by my parents. My parents have taught me to eat it a little more sober and healthy, even without vegetable sauce. de Boed had everything with vegetable sauce, I prefer al dente cooked with vegetable broth to taste. Vegetables not too soft, simply done and bite - ready. I have decided to lessen salt on my potatoes, simply for my health. And gravy on potatoes means meat juice in my world, not the butter gravy from unhealthy packages. And spices are allowed. Simply to bring meat to taste. 

In this world off expensive food, I have found classic Dutch potatoes, vegetables and meat are cheapest on a daily base. I think my way tastes better than frumpy old Boed. And it's a bit more healthy my style. I use techniques from my parents. What I've been taught about it at home. And I prefer crumbly potatoes over firm boiling. It's not difficult to cook, to clean afterwards is the hardship. Usually I do so the next day since I'm not fit enough to clean the kitchen immediately after cooking. I have no one to mind the mess, so it's not too much off an issue. It's just difficult to maintain a clean style off cooking every day. If I would have a husband, I would set him to it. I don't have the energy to do both immediately. 

I don't know what got me to writing how I prepare my foods, and my style off cooking. It's just that it's known as delicious. Maybe someone got something to it. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.      


zondag 1 december 2024

A picture I wish to share tonight

 Good evening everyone, 

Today has been sunny and cold yet bright in the Netherlands. 


I wish to share a picture off you, a marvelous sight off my show stopping banana bundt at de Boed's coffee counter with pastry plates:

I took this picture, and it's such a nice sight. Their kitchen is a bit old and outdated, but we where about to eat banana bundt cake, and they had a good time enjoying it. They loved it. It was a very good cake. I'm so tired tonight. I'm low in energy. I'm kinda lucky not to have a family to take care off, I'm not in their way when I'm all tired and moody in my comfy home wear. And off to bed as early as I can. No one keeps me from it. I'm so tired, but this was delicious. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

Good afternoon at the 1st off December, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today is bright and cold in the Netherlands. 


This morning was for statement baking. I prepared a fresh banana cake with walnuts, spices and coconut. In a cake pan from Nordic Ware, Situated on an ACTION cake stand. 

It's topped with icing sugar, and perfect for December. I got eggs and spices donated from people. It's perfect for the Holidays, but I already prepared mine. It's the Christmas month already. I thought I would share it tomorrow, but tomorrow is an ordinairy Monday. This is definetely more something for the weekend. It's a perfect Christmas cake. 

Sometime I dream off a world where perfect cooking with fresh ingredients is remarked as 'Poor man's pride.' Instead off it being so expensive. 'Poor man's honour.' When you cook perfect fresh dishes. But maybe that's thought a bit too 'Zaans.' Zaanstad people love to prepare their dishes as fresh as possible. But most off us are poor. Maybe somewhere else, they'd rather swear by processed cans and packages as 'poor man's food.' But that's not to my liking, and I think most people here agree. So maybe 'Poor man's honour.' does fit. Rice dishes and vegetable dishes prepared as perfect and fresh as this cake. I wish I wasn't the only one to see it that way, and I wish it would not sound too offensive. I hope Ed the dragon slayer won't get angry if he would read my texts. It should be for all kinds off people to prepare foods with fresh vegetables as finger licking as possible, but for the poor, it's a form off honour. With all sorts off spices and herbs, with all fruits and veggies known in the world. And all the ingredients they can come up with. I would not say it's easy. Not every brick can cook it like this. That's why it's a form off old fashioned pride. But most off it is too pricey nowadays. We can't afford. But it's a standard I would love to live up to. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.