vrijdag 14 mei 2021

This week's highlights.

 Good evening everyone, 

Yesterday, the weather was perfect. It was sunny but not too warm. I have even been sunbathing in de Boed's backyard with my fabulous summer outfit on. Silver ballerina's under a khaki harem pants decorated with several diffrent prints and a soft pink t-shirt with short sleeves on top off that. I felt all in style yesterday somewhat, as sweet as a modern day princess. Being in style is something I only mildly care about these days, but I was glad it looked nice with my new dark hair colour. 

Sometimes my neighbour complains about style combinations I make that seem to be to her critical disliking. I did my best yesterday and she agreed it was a good combination. There was a time and place I used to care much more about how I looked. Nowadays I care more if my clothes are appropriate yet nice and if I have enough (affordable) shirts to change every often if I spill something on it. My winter wardrobe has been undergoing a change this winter, but mainly when it's cold I wear darker colours and mainly high cut longsleeves with a cool print or plain longsleeves which I fall back on when it's dark and gloomy weather like always. Neighbours mind less if you look plain compared to looking a bit more out off style when you dare a bit more. Today my green top combined with my mossy green vest was to her liking. I have been shopping new vests. I take good count off the gloomy weather this year. Yesterday on ascension day the weather was perfect, but today was more off a 'You'd better invest in vests and longsleeves.' gloomy day. It was grey and cold. It's said we will have this type off weather for about 5 days in a row. 

Up to the good things this week. 


I have been colouring this with new markers. It's a mandala with diffrent shades off green and some area's off bright orange and yellow. It was a perfect project to practice new markers. I finished it today and it took me an evening to make a start up and this afternoon to fill in the main parts. I barely had delusions while colouring this. I tried this just for fun. 


Black and white photography, almost. I invented the cake receipe myself, just as the combination to the white cream cheese topping on top. I'm delighted with myself as this topping can go a long way as a frosting and it's easy to make. Maybe I have been inventing something that has been out for a long time already but it doesn't do less on the taste off it. I have been compositing these alltogheter for my family to have been on a visit to me. I had a nice day with them on tuesday and I felt all warm and nice after they had been at my place. my mother and my old grandmother. I still have a grandma. She's old and in good health. She's someone to be proud off and she's modern. She has the spirit off an explorer and she has traveled the world in her younger days. She's the typical description off her starsign, the Aquarius: Modern, loving to travel, open minded, sensitive, critical on everything and she does well on her old age. She loves to try every new thing that has her interest and she keeps up with the world. She comes off as if she could grow to her hundreds with that kind off spirit. She's creative and she can sing. 

we're not much alike, but I do appreciate her. I don't look like her side off the family and I heired my dad's side more. I made her these cakes and it was to her liking. I was a bit slack in preparing them lunch, so we ordered food. It was not much off a problem to have Turkish takeaway for lunch for them. Next time when I feel better it's on me again. 

Allright, that's about it for now. 

Thank you for reading.   

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