zondag 9 mei 2021

No amount off make-up can mask an ugly heart

 Good evening, 

The title to this blog is a buddhistic proverb. In the matter if I'm pro or contra make-up, I would say I mainly don't wear it, but every often I feel like looking a bit better and then I wear it but that's mainly for a day or two. It's not a permanent thing with me and I feel perfect by it. Why should women have to wear make-up all the time? I'm one off those people who prefer kindness over being made up. It's something rare sometimes nowadays, but I would dare to say a lack off compassion doesn't make someone actually a beauty. That what shines from within is much more important. 

I prefer being clean and clean people who do groom themselves a bit over real time slobs who look filthy, but fake is a diffrent story and somehow I believe I am actually somewhere in between. It feels better than to have to wear make-up and being forced to fullfill some exhausting stupid standard that's made up by media. Why even bother following that? No make-up feels more like me but at the moment I feel like wearing it a bit more. I start seeing a pattern in myself and I highly doubt on following that. Make-up is not forbidden for buddhists, but I feel like looking with your heart at people and knowing in your soul someone is a good person is much better. I dare say!  

Thank you for reading. 

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