maandag 3 mei 2021

de Boed is re-organizing furniture

 Good night everyone, 

Somehow I don't like how it's done, how certain corners in the building are changing places and how the whole large room where everything happens is turning upside down these weeks and they are still moving stuff around. I feel like just having coffee there and then go off back home, back to peace and serenity. I will wait untill everything is done and they are done cleaning up with that. I could use more sleep so it's not a bad idea to be at home a bit more and take it more easy in life as far as that goes. I'm telling you this during a Corona lockdown and a mundial crisis, but health centres are open to function and my life has been going on like always. 

It's now my time to take some me-time and a few weeks off, and hopefully get a diagnose for brain leakage and become more rested, avoiding too high levels off stress compared to what could happen if I would be there this week. Peace and calmth are a priority for psychiatric patients.

Allright, that's about it for now, Thank you for reading.  

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