maandag 3 mei 2021

Something went leaking in my head

 Good night everyone, 

Warning: This is going to be a medical blog, it's not the kind off story to tell everyone as those who are sensitive among you might not like such a story. 

Today was sunny with periods off cloudyness and it was cold. It's cold for May this year but maybe this where common temperatures before global warming and May has become cold because there are less cars out on the road due to Corona and people having to stay at home much more this year, but I'm no scientist so I can't tell you with certainty. This is just something to wonder about. 


This weekend  something scary happened in my head, I felt drops off fluid leaking from out my forehead across my face but it happened on the inside instead off there being something visible on the outside. It didn't hurt, it was just scary as hell so I called Leviaan's night service which told me to go back to bed that night. The next day I contacted my health care staff who said nothing could be done about it since it was the weekend. It went even more scary the next sunday since I felt some large patch on my forehead went leaking almost empty across my face on the inside. I'm lucky to be still alive, but I got Amnesia easier. I forget what I read in the newspaper the minute I lay it aside or I forget what I discussed with people but I'm still walking around and capable to move myself. 

Today we called General Practice and I have an appointment for wednesday. Luckily this was to be taken serious as it's not a sign off delusions for me to have a physicall issue. My delusions are more about being the reincarnation to a diseased world leader, politics, or who I am and where I come from. Something physicall isn't my usual repertoire so they took it serious. I'm a bit on my guard and I feel nervous about it. What if I happen to have some sort off a tumor on that place? It could be, anything could in this time and place off being in the world. Everything is possible in that field but I prefer to use that theory for something positive like creative cooking. In that field everything is possible too, and there are new inventions by the minute like zuchinni spaghetti, or banana peel curry which I'm not eager to try, but everyone for their own and zuchinni spaghetti I do want to try. 

Allright, my forehead is leaking fluids. I took off today from Monday Grocery shopping and decided to bake my famous dried prune and white raisins quark cake for de Boed for tomorrow. That I can manage. Doing the dishes afterwards still feels impossible and has to wait untill I feel like I got energy or will-power for that. I still feel almost paralyzed from leaking out off there and the process off trying to do chores went a bit wrong. I did manage to put laundry in the machines however, but at the point where I'm supposed to fold it I went spake. I'm sorry to the Leviaan team for that. They are trying a new method on me to get me to do daily chores but it's hard to follow that on regular days. Let alone on weekends / days like this. (Part off mental health issues is that you do hard on doing house chores. I'm close to impossible on that.) 

I have to take it more slow in life if I wish to continue, but maybe I should await what the doctor says about leaking foreheads. I wish something would show so she can diagnose me better. It's going to be hard when it's invisible and maybe it was blood or brain fluid, which can be dangerous for my system. Something tells me I won't be off off being a psychiatric patient any time soon. What is there to do if something leaks in your head anyway? 

Allright, I'll continue this story soon. 

Thank you for reading.  

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