woensdag 14 september 2022

Good afternoon at the 14th off September, 2022.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

It's cloudy changing with periods off sunshine and it's moderately warm. Summer is almost gone and Autumn is in the air. 


It's been a week since I broke my ankle. Almost a week. Tomorrow I will go to the hospital for walking plaster. It's not been a bad week, I'm a chameleon who shapeshifts in diffrent circumstances. I can deal with it, but I'm put to survival mode: Which means I don't complain when I can't get Thé Vert (My favourite scent) behind my ears since I can't doll up myself or when I'm made sandwiches with what they prefer me to eat. Care takers are nice to me, luckily. There's always that exception of one who is somewhat off a bitch but I can deal with it. I barely feel anything. It's a bit dark in that field and I suppose mental medication is catching up that blow. I have been trying to call the mental health office for half a week now about that broken ankle and I can't get to speak to them since no one answers this week. It's kinda stupid. I have also been set to medication enlowering, but I don't know if that's a good idea at this moment. 

I have to get over with the shame off someone else showering me and seeing me naked. Usually I do that myself, and I blow dry my hair and put on my favourite scent. Now it's getting washed, getting dressed, (In clothes they dress me in.) get back on the couch and just brushing my hair. I'd better be gratefull my hair and my body are finally washed again and they put me in clean clothes every day. I spend my days watching TV and playing silly games on my phone. I haven't been blogging for a while. Yesterday my mom came for a visit. She promised me to visit every week untill I can 'hop around again'. 

I have send a complaint to the government about those loose stones near the swimming pool. It's not the matter off money or a claim, but it's the idea that matters, Zaanstad is almost lethal with all those loose streetbricks and people falling and breaking their limbs on it all the time. It's downright dangerous and I just hope they will finally fix those dangerous areas. If not for me, then for the next person with a dreamy attitude who walks there. There have been huge gaps between those streetbricks and it's uneven terrain to walk on, wich makes it even more dangerous. I got a call back from them, they are about to find out who is responsible for those streetbricks and they take it quite serious. They where about to mail me, but I haven't seen anything so far, though. I hope they will put serious effort in this. Most people told me they probably won't do anything about it. That would be a shame to them, but the city council is known to be slacking when it comes to that. Edit: I found their mail, they are about to call me again next week about it. 

Caretakers make me tea all the time these days. I'm thankfull for that. They make my sandwiches and they take basic care off me these days. All those things I used to do myself each day. Tomorrow will be for checking if I behaved well and if it's time for walking plaster. Somehow I think I did my best to keep my foot up high. I hope it's enough. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.    

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