dinsdag 6 september 2022

Good evening at the 6th off September, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was a warm day and the promised rain was nowhere in sight. It's been a pity for the dry soil. 


This evening's dinner at de Boed reminded me off a period some time ago, around 2013 when mom was poor after dad died, and we had good foods but we had to be creative with foods. This was like one off those meals and it was good. I enjoyed my meal and they should cook more often like that, but it takes me away to a time when my family was very poor, we where cold, dad had died and we had to be creative with our resources. Like now it's like that on a nation, European wide scale. I don't wish to offend de Boed's good cooking for this evening. But I come to think poverty is now a European problem, and not just us. We overcame our crisis in the past. But do we have to live like that again now things look so bad this period off time? I'm probably complicated. I complimented de Boed, saying I loved their food and it was 'A celebration to eat it.' This evening. Still it reminded me off our creativity during our poor times. The only thing I missed was the wine. Mom and I sure drank a bit off alcohol during those days but I'm not allowed anymore since I'm on medication. 

It was high quality foods because we where creative and sober on other aspects off life. Mom had a kitchen garden and made sure we ate what she could harvest. She doesn't has it anymore since she stopped it due to too much memories coming up when she worked it after grandpa died. She loved working in that garden and it was her favourite hobby. She just can't do it anymore nowadays also due to physical issues. But this year I worked with harvest from people's garden a few times -which was good.- I haven't done so for several years, probably. But it's more healthy to eat fruit and vegetables fresh from the soil if you can. There is nothing wrong with growing your own foods and it's also cheap. I made zuchinni soup and applepie this year from people's harvest. I had people saying they never had such good zuchinni soup before. Fresh fruit and vegetables make a diffrence in our dishes. And the applepie was just a masterpiece. (That one I showed on here short time ago)

Tonight we had oven baked potatoes, beet salad and a hamburger. The beet salad and the oven baked potatoes where better than what they intended since they wanted to shove us cooked beets and boiled potatoes down the throat. This was such a good idea to switch to something more acceptable for a hot day. My family could have come up with this on a creative day and that's probably where it somewhat itches but I shouldn't complain. Our lifestyle was poor, but good back in the days. Maybe that will come to de Boed- A poor lifestyle but with aspects off very good quality. Isn't that what I have been up to for several years? Still, the trauma off being poor re-opens. It's something that still isn't over. If you are creative, poverty is less off a drama than when you have to be victim to circumstances. I'm somewhat creative. But I have also become a bit easy minded and lazy when it comes to a lot off things ever since leaving home. I didn't have to think creative to survive anymore for a long time. Maybe de Boed will make me dust it off these days. 

Tomorrow will be for cauliflower soup. I have to work with a leftover cauliflower and I'm thinking off using fresh rosemary from de Boed's garden, like back in the days I used our fresh herbs from the garden for our dishes. (I couldn't pick what soup we where about to eat this week. I have to work with cauliflower they froze last week.) Maybe I will also use thymian from the garden and really make something good out off this soup. The drought did well for the rosemary, it really looks good this year, but again- I have to think creative and use herbs from the garden like back in those hard days. Maybe the hard days wheren't so bad for my development after all. It's good to use fruits, vegetables and herbs fresh from the soil if you can get your hands on it. 

Back in the days I also started to worry more about natural resources and environmental friendly products for beauty products and in my kitchen. It wasn't a bad trait. It's been something good from a bad period off time. I could integrate it in our modern times to keep our head above the water and provide de Boed good, inexpensive and healthy foods. It's been something good I believe.  

I have been thinking about a good christmas dessert for this year and I came up with stewed pears with a scoop off ice cream. Stewed pears are perfect for christmas, if you prepare them with winter spices and enough sugar, they will be the perfect ending for many a christmas dinner. I believe they are expensive, but I suppose they are less pricey than a more extravagant christmas dessert this year. I wish to give and seek advice on a less pricey christmas, I don't know if stewed pears fit into that place. They are a beloved classic by many, though. Fruit has become expensive. It's still a good choice for this year I believe. 

It wasn't a day to bake. This morning I had a massive attack off just sitting in one place and not being capable to move somewhere or do something else but having coffee all the time. No baking took place unfortunately. I explained to my caretakers I had an issue with that and they told me it's a side effect to medication enlowering. You can't motivate yourself when you're like that. I have issues with that sometimes. Today was a bad episode off it. It somehow faded a bit after lunch. I don't really bale. I realise I have to survive this period off time and I better can't be worried with my issues since that isn't helping. So I can forgive myself for not baking. Staff said it's been a good thing since I also didn't make a mess out off the kitchen. With medication enlowering, the household seems almost impossible.            

I was about to make a trip to my mom's place for the next week. Mom has pears for stewing in her pear-tree and they are good. They are ripe around this period. I can't have some or a slice off the pear-pie she makes every year from them due to medication enlowering. I can't travel to her place when I'm like this. I feel ignorant about it, though. Since it can't be helped. Maybe the blow will come afterward and I will feel even worse about not going to her place for a week. I didn't have much off a summer vacation this year and now even that is impossible. I haven't seen the sea even once. I used to live in a place close to the sea when I was younger and I went there frequently. This year I'm caught up in the factory-filled city and have no opportunity to go to the sea. Just too bad. I would love to paddle a bit in the sea. Just a walk aside the shore line with my feet in the water would be nice. Unfortunately I have no chance to do so soon.   

To stay in the spirit off home from a few years back, and the spirit off ecological friendly foods, I'm having nettle tea this evening. We used to drink a lot off teas back in the days. I could definetely drink more since I still have a cupboard chocked full with teas off all kinds. Tea is good for your system. Especially herbal tea from a reliable brand. I stopped it since I thought it would flush medication out too easily in the evening. It's just that now I have a medicine that needs to be out. So I believe I can drink a cup off tea.

I hope I will survive the medication enlowering. It's hard already. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.     

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