vrijdag 2 september 2022

Good afternoon at the 2nd off September, 2022.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today was sunny and warm in this place. 


I feel lame. All I can do is lay on my bed and feel tired and low in energy. They have massively enlowered a medicine I have been on for about a few years. Since they had found medication enhighres a hormone in my system which causes feeling so bad. To have done a bloodtest wasn't a bad idea, but the medication enlowering goes pretty fast. After this weekend it's even more enlowered, and I suppose the amount off hormone (Prolactine) found in my blood must have been toxic. (I felt bad these weeks, so it's not to my suprise it's been dramatic.) 

Today was for feeling bad, but I could manage to make de Boed a MonChou cheesecake 

Many a 60's or 70's kid will hopefully love it tomorrow. I topped it with cherries with sauce and it has a biscoff crust. (That's not completely classic, you're supposed to crush Bastogne cookies for it- but it's always a good idea to use biscoff cookies for it's crust. That's appreciated too so it's a good idea.) Despite being in bed all the time, I could manage to make this since it's not a hard baking. My kitchen is a mess and I need to clean it, I hope I can do that. The ingredients where expensive but this is a pretty large one. About 5 packages off MonChou and 500 milliliters off unwhipped cream and biscoff cookies. (I used the A-brands.) Tomorrow will be a celebration at de Boed with this. I just hope I have enough to serve everyone and that's always a challenge with all those coffee attendants. 

I'm not going to demand a lot off myself these weeks with the medication enlowering. They are enlowering Palliperidone. From 9 to 6 milligrams and from 6 to 3 milligrams after the weekend. Those are big steps. I feel nasty in my head already. I'm not mentally unstable so far, but it's still a big step I have to get used to. First thing I mentioned last night, was that I slept worse. I slept almost bad last night and I was up pretty early. (Before the alarm.) I'm not looking forward to the further proces off enlowering if it happens like this, but for my well-being I have to take all that crap, and I have to take it often when it comes to medication. One pro is that I'm supposed to lose weight when I enlower / quit palliperidone. I have been as fat as a house these years due to medication. I can already somewhat feel that since my stomach also hurts. I'm not feeling well this week. I have called off coffeeservice and put it off my shoulders, just like taking notes from the client counsil. I quit it both for half a year, telling them I felt too bad to do the job. (I do feel too bad to serve coffee or work out meeting notes.) If I had an employer, I would have called myself off for this week, and probably the next half a year and that's why I have no job. Simply because I am sick. 

Let's hope the MonChou cheesecake will be worthit tomorrow and helps softening my days, too. (I have the purpose to soften the edges off the crisis for people at de Boed by baking them nice stuff.) This cheesecake could soften the edges off my medication enlowering too if it's truly as good as it looks. 

Non-bake cheesecakes are nice to make when I feel bad since they're easy. All they require is some cookie crushing, mix it with melted butter and spread it on bottom off a springform, let that rest in the refridgerator, then mix the cream cheese mixture and spread that over the bottom, let it sit for a while and then put on topping as desired. It will be a challenge once I have to use the oven again for an hour. I don't know if I'm capable to bake peanutbutter cookies this week with what I've got. I promised people I was about to bake cookies to soften edges at my Facebook profile. (I told my main purpose out loud to them. Usually I keep that to myself.) But baking cookies somehow feels too hard at this moment. I hope I got away with cheesecakes.    

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading!    

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