vrijdag 16 september 2022

Good afternoon at the 16th off September, 2022.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today is for rainshowers changing with sunshine. I love it to rain, and it should rain this period off the year, but it comes with a little issue for me personal these weeks. Still I would like the rain to flush away all the drought from the previous summer period and the soil to become wet again. 


Yesterday was for visiting the hospital and being measured walking plaster for 4 weeks. I picked bright pink for it's colour: 

I'm supposed to walk around again, and do most basic care myself- getting dressed, getting breakfast, getting to the medication office in the morning and go for dinner to de Boed instead off it being brought to me. Except for showering. I still have to get help since my foot is supposed to be packed in a plastic showerbag to keep it from getting wet. Rain doesn't help either since I'm not allowed to get it wet. I'm so glad it rains, but I can't fully enjoy it with that foot in walking plaster. 

It doesn't hurt when I stand on it. After a while it starts to hurt and I need to sit, but it isn't painfull at all. I'm so glad for that. I told the staff at the hospital I have a guardian angel on my shoulder sometimes when it comes to medical issues. After 4 weeks the plaster will be off, but it can hurt for months and it can take months for it to be fully recovered they say. 

Next issue: Medication enlowering, and enhighering. I give my guardian angel some work with me. Pallyperidone will be enlowered, and Aktiprole will be enhighered. I'm supposed to be lower on Prolactin. A hormone which is supposed to get women to produce mother milk when they're pregnant. I'm not pregnant, it's that medication that causes it. It does that quite a lot and I'm supposed to get off off it to keep it from becoming dangerous. That came out off the bloodtest from some time ago, that the prolactin (I don't know if I translated that right) was way too high. I'm not fond off the idea to produce toxic mother's milk with what I've got. It can even cause osteoporosis from your bones at an elder age when you produce prolactin like I do. (Your bones start to be lowered in lime, which causes them to become weak.) Women who have brestfeed their children a lot should watch that on an elder age. I'm an old maid in her early 30's and I never had a baby. It's not fair for medication to cause that. It's likely for me to have weak bones when I'm old when it happens like this. That stupid medication isn't reliable most off the time.  

I can say I'm a little addicted to dairy, quark, milk, fruityoghurt, I take a lot off it and it's probably to fill the gaps the prolactin makes. I love drinking large glasses off milk each morning, and I take a whole package off cream yoghurt for a snack whenever I get a chance. (With a flavour, I just love it each week.) I don't snack on ice cream or full fat cheeses- which is a good thing, but I take quite some mild fat dairy each day. Life is not fair sometimes. Also with a broken bone in my feet I feel I should take more dairy. (Even more than I already do.) I just hope my body takes it in and does with it what it's supposed to do. Somehow I expect the Prolactin numbers to be higher than what I can take in with average dairy on a daily base. It's been like that sometimes and it causes headache, my menstruation to quit, a feeling off being sick (Which I have quit often) and just a general feel off feeling bad and all off this suited me these months. I just hope the thing can be solved with what they are trying. 

This afternoon was for coffee with milk and a left over off applepie I ordered for my mom's visit a few days ago. It doesn't go bad in general, despite all the issues. I just don't like the idea off having to shower with help. It's a good thing to wash my hair regulairly, though- So I have no choice. 

I'm glad to say I can spray Thé Vert behind my ears again and today was for wearing it to de Boed when having lunch there. (I can walk to de Boed again.) I'm not overly vain, I don't do make-up on a daily base, but a spray off a scent behind my ears and in my hair regulairly makes me feel good after I've showered. So today I smell well. That, and coffee makes me feel good. Often I hold on to these kind off small things in life to cope with the day. 

Bright pink can look a bit cheap or harsh when it's combined with modern stuff, but I combine it with soft feminine looks and the idea off wild flowers so it's not Barbie-ish in my style. Wild flowers, soft purple, ink drawings, soft colours to accentuate and it looks fabulous. (And that plump black hospital shoe for outside.) I got complimented on it all the time, though. People thinking even my plaster looks good. I have to deal with it for four weeks. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.           

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