vrijdag 30 september 2022

Good evening at the 30th off September, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was sunshine changing with clouds, and it was cold. 


I have a thought I would like to share with you tonight: 

Despite it being a crisis and people growing poor, I think we shouldn't be selfish and live for ourselves when we can, and still be a light in the darkness that surrounds us and be off help for people if we can. Especially in these times, it's important to be there, lend a hand and share with your friends & surrounding. If we take it 'everypony for ourselves.' That's not going to help in the long turn. Sharing is going to help. Everyone is going through hard times and does hard with their bills and groceries. These are not the times for self-pity and nasty behaviour so you will be the last one standing. It would show so much more character if you would stay strong and share. 

I myself donate bottles off care products in a give-away closet down the hall. Whenever I buy a multipack off stuff for cheap, I don't mind giving away a tube off toothpaste or a bottle off shampoo for example. I even give away laundry wash and softner from a good brand in that give-away closet, for those who need it. And I'm planning to bake de Boed stuff and give that away for free as long as I can afford, and I make them soup (With their ingredients) every week. Baking is getting expensive, still I can share it. I haven't been baking this entire month due to my broken ankle. The last thing I made them was an expensive MonChou cake. I think I won't buy items on a purpose for a baking anymore, but work with what I got on the shelves and re-fill that every often. As soon as I can stand on my feet again in the kitchen. My bakings are missed by them and I got often asked when I will bake again. Soon, my audience, soon... 

But you probably got the idea: don't be selfish during these times. Isn't it a religious law in almost every religion that you will receive what you give away? What goes around comes around. Wheter that be bad, or something good... Most modern people should get the right mindset before they start to share. But if you always have been poor, like me, you probably know or feel it's good to donate to those who need it. (If not, you should re-consider it.) And gratefullness sure is a great reward. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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