dinsdag 30 augustus 2022

Good evening at the 30th off August, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was clear skies changing with clouds. It was warm, but not too warm today. It was a nice end off summer day. 


Today was for getting shelves on my wall for my collection off cooking bibles. I collect a series off cookbooks called the cooking bibles (Kookbijbels) I own about 20 off them. Caretakers thought it to be a good idea for me to get shelves for them so I would have enough space to hang them on my wall. With 20 books I was almost short on shelve space in my book case. 


I got the feeling this is only just the beginning off collecting cookbooks. It was such a nice idea from my caretakers to allow me some shelves for this series. But like said, I don't own them all yet and there are still several out to collect. Aside to that, they keep on coming out. I got a collectors mentallity when it comes to some things. The cooking bibles I use most like the Baking bible, the Soup bible and the Cookie bible are on the right so I can easily get them to put them to use when I need them. My bookcase has space now for other cookbooks. (I'm an irreclaimable collector of them.) 

This week no collecting will take place since I spend my money on ingredients for something for de Boed's Saturday. Sometimes I order a cookbook each week, or a baking item. Like a few months ago. / half off this month. Now I'm up to purchasing items for my home and I purchased a TV and a coffeemaker. (I still have to find out how to get the perfect coffee out off it.)  

I know these are no times to show off luxury, and I have the feeling some people might get jealouse at the idea or the sight off my collection. Still I wanted to show it on here. They make a nice accessory in my home this way. But there are so many people who collect items. In any other time I feel like I would have nothing to fear or appologize myself for since everyone can collect stuff and you could also start a collection like this if you feel like instead off envying me over it. But in expensive times like these, I can count myself very lucky I'm capable to collect things. It's not my intention to stick out people's eyes with it. But I don't have a family to feed, I don't smoke, drink alcohol, gamble or do drugs- I live very sober and I don't purchase expensive groceries. I don't have debts and I have been saving money my entire life. I can afford fun items every now and then. Sometimes a cookbook, and this time I have spend a lot off money on ingredients in the supermarket. So no adjustment this week. But we will have something yummy this weekend. New cookbooks are for the next week. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.    

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