dinsdag 23 augustus 2022

Good evening at the 23th off August, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was hot outside with here and there a cloud. 


Today was for trying my new Nordic Ware loafpan. Instead off trying TuttiFrutti-cake, I tried banana cake from a receipe I have made a dozen off times ever since I live here. It didn't came out perfectly. It was a bit off fussing over getting it out, but I couldn't manage to do so well. 

This is how it came out. 

So I decided to put on some icing sugar to cover the cracks. 

I just hope people won't notice too hard it's broken. It tastes well, I tried a chip that was left in the baking mold and it's a bit diffrent since I adjusted walnuts instead off almonds to the batter, like I usally do in this receipe. Trying good old banana cake in this mold gives it a new dimension in my opinion. (Man, I made that receipe often.) It's a challenge to practice untill it comes out perfect and that makes it something great. I love a good challenge every now and then. It's good not to have tried something with high expectations in it, but just something I'm familiair with to do some sort off a 'test drive.' I still have to stir this loaf pan to a comfortable drive so to say. 

Tomorrow the people at de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk, will get it served in slices on pastry plates. And I hope they won't notice too hard it's broken. hopefully they love it just as much as the earlier versions off my banana cake and all they notice are the ridges and the walnuts. I'll make them serve it at the afternoon coffee moment. It has cookie spices and coconut in it aswell. It's a celebration to eat. 

I have to make a new jar off self-selected cookie spices. Previous year when it was so rainy I already came up with it in May, but since it's so hot outside all the time, I barely feel like 'cookie spices.' This year. Maybe I feel more like it on a rainy September or October day.  But as I should note to myself: 'Slow down, the cookie spices season hasn't started yet. It doesn't hurt to take it easy in summer heath.' 

Before the Dhammapada, I feel like reading Jane Austen. Something completely diffrent and I can't explain to you why. I can't order it soon, since I already purchased a few household items which where broken in my small care home, like a TV and -finally- a coffeemaker. I can serve myself and guests fresh coffee again once it's delivered! Yass! But since I purchased a TV from money my accountant granted me, and a coffeemaker, I have to take it easy with the budget. 

Well, I could watch TV this weekend. I think I will enjoy that and be gratefull for real about it since I love Discovery Channel and the news. And hopefully something to laugh about since I need that. I got a brand new TV- let's put it to use once it's delivered. I payed quite a price for it, so I got something to do when I feel like watching. I prefer to keep up with the news on a moderate level. 

I shouldn't trust people who say to not follow the news for all gold and silver in the world. It's good to stay informed about The World. I follow every day news and I read the local newspaper. I'm not an expert but I know what's going on around me. And that's important. It's better not to be unworldly about it. That's not cool, it's naive and stupid. I won't say following everything or the harsh things is good for you, it's been proven to be bad, but it's good to stay informed about the important things. Especially with crisises going on around us. 

I could invite a neighbour this weekend for a cup off fresh coffee. And them to admire my new coffeemaker and TV. Some people throw entire parties when they purchased things like that. I'm not among those. I'll just see if a caretaker or a neighbour has time for me. I can't do much fun things and I live far off, but at least I can have a neighbour over for coffee every often. And I can make myself a cup when I got time for myself. That's important too. Coffee and tea make an important part off my life. I love to drink both. 

This above meme is from the artist Chibird and these are things I believe in and which I do quite often, except off complimenting myself in front off the mirror since I believe I slack and could do better when it comes to how I look. Still most off the meme fits me. I hope more people will follow it. I would almost think I'm kind to myself. (Which is important.) 

Today was quite a positive day. I made a cake and I got myself some cool and expensive household items. Except for the warmth. That was less positive. But it wasn't too bad. 

Allright, that's about it - 

Thank you for reading. 

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