dinsdag 16 augustus 2022

Good evening at the 16th off August, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

The sky is cloudy yet it's warm. Somewhere around midnight there will be rain and tomorrow will be rainy according to forecasts. 


Today is for being at my mom's house. This day is the tenth year my dad has passed away. He died in 2012. After a long battle with all kinds off lung and heart diseases. A lot has happened the previous 10 years but I can't say they where good for me. It was a good decision, however, to attempt to this place to be around my family. 

Dad wouldn't liked me to hang into grief for too long. He would have wanted me and us to go on after a while but that's sort off an issue sometimes. I can woe still over his death and when I do the sadness seems almost lethal. Today I've only sobbed a few tears, I came here with five square 'Gevulde koeken.' A nice Dutch treat filled with almond paste and usually they're round, or flower shaped. But the bakery I got them from (Fresh from the bakery, yes, sir.) sells them square. Square bakings are sooo 2011. 2013 at i's highest and it's not a trend anymore to eat from square plates with square kitchenware. But I still love it. Square bowls and square plates are out off fashion. (they where on trend somewhere around 2007) Sometimes ago (For those who don't know that era or those who don't remember.) They where the edge off edgy. It's still chique to serve something haute cuisine on a square plate. You got that still in some restaurants. My personal kitchenware is diffrent, however, yet cute in style (And I'm not going to replace it)- still a square baking or a square plate is cool in my opinion. I still hang on to that idea off style. 

Still I have nice plates. You don't have to buy everything that's on your mind immediately. I have breakfast plates with a Japanese cherryblossom print, and soft pink dinner plates with a fancy edge, it does it's utmost best to look fancy and chique. (They're getting a bit chipped here and there, so it needs a little update- still I'm not heading to a website for a large set off square kitchenware.)  My dishes need to be done to be honest since my kitchen is a mess this week. It was too hot outside to do anything so I hope I'm not in trouble for it. 

So, today we had coffee and a square Gevulde Koek fresh from the baker. Mom had a new footbath I have been using. An electric one with massage function and my feet are clean and I feel refreshed. She had footbath salt with Calendula and orange smell in it. I think I will sleep well tonight. 

Aside to that, my bedsheets have been changed and I sleep in a clean bed tonight. In this summer heath, it's important to stay fresh and keep your bed and yourself as clean and fresh as possible. It's no good idea to go around all sweaty all week, though I have to say it was a bit harder this week to keep myself entirely fresh each day and clean my bedsheets in time. Still I'm glad I have done so! 

(When you're mental, it's hard to take count off grooming and personal care.) 

I got a bit sick off the crisis the world is going through. By the end off this month, a lot off people are probably short on money and winter hasn't even started. de Boed is often short on food, and it's low quality this week. 

Often they have just enough to feed everyone one plate and that's about it. I have had enough food this week, I don't need a lot despite people thinking diffrently off me due to my weight. I can do with just one plate off potatoes, vegetables and meat and a few peanutbutter sandwiches in the morning. (It was too hot for fried eggs this weekend. I have eggs left on the shelve and a package off bacon.) But it's not to my liking. It's probably not the most healthy choice in food, but I have to accept it. Tomorrow I will cook myself pasta the way my family used to make it back in the days when I still lived here, with a lot off vegetables and tomato sauce. It's hopefully a healthy dish with a lot off flavour. I got work to do tomorrow. Clean the kitchen after Wednesday Soup, then make pasta. Well, it's probably better than what they serve this Wednesday if I cook myself pasta. Tonight I will eat at my parental home. 

I personally am not in a crisis. The ingredients for tomorrow's pasta where a bit on the expensive side and I would never be capable to make it if I didn't have de Boed to eat my other meals from. Still, something isn't to my liking, I can skip to something I will make myself tomorrow. But it's only one or two times this week. I don't have acces to close supermarkets or the money to buy enough fresh vegetables for meals for the entire week. Where I live is far off from shops. It teaches you a harsh lesson in gratitude for what you do have if you live like me. And that's me. What about all those millions off people who can't afford food due to the crisis? I had still money left for gevulde koeken today and an ice cream after the bus drive to this place. But that's because I'm dependent on de Boed. They serve less food to us and it's low quality this week. (A lot off frozen vegetables sided with potatoes and meat) I'm so glad I don't have to eat with tonight and tomorrow. (And probably another day this week, since I'm likely to make pasta for two days.) 

Aside from the foods there's those fights in de Boed and the uneasyness that comes from it. I'm so glad I don't have to deal with it for most days off this week. I should grant myself that more often: Homecooked meals and to eat in peace. 

Allright, that's about it for now, 

Thank you for reading.      

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