maandag 29 augustus 2022

Good evening at the 29th off August, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today the sky was changing clouds with clear skies and no rain fell. It's almost horrible for it to be so dry all the time. 


Today was for making self-selected cookiespices. I started to think I wasn't in for it this week, but here it is and it's such a good idea for the upcomming season to have a jar off it on stock:

It smells wonderfull and it's a full jar this season. I hope I can do good with it and make people enjoy wonderfull bakings. 

Everyone is feeling nostalgic or traditional at the moment. During times like these, there isn't much space for innovation (Especially at a community centre with older people as their target. Though I have to say the average age lies around 60 I think. Most really old women are gone somehow. Either died or moved to a retirement home.). People like to hold on to what is familliair during major crisises. I foresee a christmas with people being nostalgic and sticking to the beloved classics. The 80's are still on a pedestal and 'Potatoes meat and vegetables just like your mother or your grandmother made them.' are a winning team most off the time here in Zaandijk, among most average people. People stick to what's known. It's not a time for artistic renewal this 2022. And probably that's also a bit too expensive for most. I can't blame them for that thought. I'm planning something for this weekend but my, I had to pay the headprice for it in the supermarket. I can count myself lucky I don't have a family to feed. Otherwise the suprise for de Boed would not have taken place and I decided on to pick ingredients that are familiair for this beloved receipe and not to go crazy with things. I have spend it all for them, but there is absolutely no space for me to breathe this week. (Aside to baking ingredients I have been hoarding coffee.) I hope they appreciate. I believe anyone with nostalgic feelings for the '70's can appreciate what I'm going to make, aside to a younger audience who just loves classic sweet treats but I'm going to make it large so it's suitable for de Boed's Saturday. And I just hope we'll get out off it entirely this weekend. It gives this otherwise boring weekend a bit off a shine to plan such things. I'm going to take a risk and make it for the Saturday. I hate it when we don't have enough, but it's going to be large enough to feed a crowd. 

I'm going to clean my kitchen tomorrow. That's what I'm about to do since I got a day off and I need space for new baking adventures. 

I'm at a dangerous state off being at this moment. I'm very forgetfull and self-care can be better. I do basic cleans, and I had mascara and eyebrowgel and Thé Vert scent on this morning. And I had earrings for something completely diffrent. But most off the time I go by almost like a chimpanzee. I have been tidying the house a little this week but it could have been much better. I forget items in the supermarket and I wish I had my hair dyed so I wouldn't feel so ratchet. Allright, today was less ratchet than usuall- but most I do for my self care is brushing my teeth. Other than that I slack. I keep myself clean and I brush my teeth. Allright, if I was a man, there would be nothing wrong with me. But I'm a woman and I could do better in feminine style. 

My head hurted this afternoon and I was afraid my baking and kitchen cleaning could not take place tomorrow. But I feel a bit better right now. It goes with ebs and flows and it's unpredictable. I hate it when I have episodes like that. After dinner I felt blown up and hurt inside my head like the entire weekend. I forgot some key ingredients for Wednesday Soup. I just hope I can get them to get those items or they already have it if I'm very lucky. Otherwise my Surinamese peanut soup will be in trouble. (It's so beloved, it was requested for me to make it.) I have to see if it's there tomorrow. 

I could take it easy tomorrow, and just clean the kitchen instead off baking since Wednesday will be for soup and a barbecue held by de Boed. It's going to be a big event for de Boed with a lot off people attending. If I would think in terms off people who are not well and sick, I would  advice them to truly take it easy tomorrow. Baking cookies can also take place next week. I feel so tired and unpredictably unwell and well changing each other, I believe to take it easy is not a bad idea. Otherwise I'm going to make peanutbutter cookies. Since they where incredbibly good the last time I tried the receipe. Peanutbutter cookies, peanut soup, Wednesday will be a great day for people who love peanuts. I'm still dreaming off baking peanutbutter cookies after I tried the receipe somewhere in February. They where that good and that well received by people. I have literally been dreaming off putting on my foodprocessor and making the dough. 'Since people loved it so much.' It's been a good idea to do them again. It's just that I hope I feel well enough tomorrow. That's the life off a mental: I can't even hold a promise to myself at times. I have to take life more easy than I usually do. And if I can't keep it tomorrow, there's always a next week since I see myself having time by next week to do them again. (Before that I'm buisy.) 

It's no big issue taking it easy and performing the peanutbutter cookies next week if that comes in more handy. I should also try something with the cookie spices and then there is that big suprise for de Boed on Saturday (To be continued) I'm not finished baking yet. 

If I die and the gods ask me what I've been up to all my life and I can't say it's been adventurous, or much, or something off golden glory. But I can tell them I know how to make a damn well applepie or cookies and hopefully offering them some and proving myself to them will be capable to make me pass the gates off the hereafter in peace. (I just hope I'm on some sort off a mission in my life. And not doomed to have a boring life in a care home.) I hope I will grow old, but not in a bad or unsafe way. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.           

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